[comp.lang.c++] a question about design simplicity

kvt@drutx.ATT.COM (TranKV) (01/03/90)

I have a design question about the use of global 
objs vs. static objs. Let me first describe a test problem:

    Let's say I want to create a utility library. This library needs
    a buffer that must be NEWed (cannot be on stack) once and only 
    once for all members of the library. I have two ways to do 

    1. declare a global object whose constructor NEWs my buffer so 
       that the buffer is created before I hit 'main'. One obvious 
       problem is my internal object is known to the world (a NO-NO??).

    2. To remove that problem, I can define a class init:

	   class init {
	       init () { 
		   if (!allocated) {
		       // NEW my buffer

	       ~init () {
		   if (--allocated == 0) {
		       // delete my buffer
	       static short allocated;

      and then allocate static objects of class init in each source
      file (through my library's header) to insure the allocation of my 

Solution (2) is much complicated but looks more 'object oriented' (|-).
Now, can you netters give me your opinions why one is better than the
other. Hope we'll have a good discussion.

Kim Tran
Bell Labs