[comp.lang.c++] heaps

daniel@saturn.ucsc.edu (Daniel Edelson) (01/03/90)

I am in need of source code to an efficient
heap implementation. C++ souce would be optimal,
but C would be OK too. If anyone can point
me at some public domain code (e.g. anonymous ftp)
I would very much appreciate it. 
Code that is not public domain but is
available for scientific uses is fine too.
Such code might have been developed as part of 
someone's garbage collector or library. 

It occurs to me that g++/gcc must implement malloc. 
Does anyone have reasonably unbiassed information 
as to the efficiency of that code? Is it 
substantially better than standard BSD/SunOS/SystemV 
malloc()? We have gnu source here so I don't need 
references to gnu. 


Daniel Edelson
