[comp.lang.c++] c++ comparison needed

little@schmoo.crd.ge.com (H. Mark Little) (01/04/90)

I have recently been charged with the illustrious task of examining the
multitudes of implementations available for the c++ programming language,
and comparing them, ultimately to decide which is most appropriate for
the project on which I will be working.  Therefore, if anybody has made
a study already, I would appreciate a summary of the findings to be
e-mailed to me.  I *do* read this newsgroup (now), so if posting is
appropriate, e-mail is unnecessary.

Similarly, any information about significant advantages/disadvantages
anyone has discovered with any of the various compilers/translators
(multiple inheritance, for instance) are also welcome.


H. Mark Little                        e-mail:  little@disney.crd.ge.com
"My goals?  My goals are to find a cure for irony and make a fool out of God."
                                                - The Waitresses