[comp.lang.c++] broken inline qualifier

inst182@tuvie (Inst.f.Techn.Informatik) (12/28/89)

As far as I can remember the semantics of an inline function is supposed to be
*EXACTLY* the same as if it were not declaread as inline. This, however, seems
not to be the case in most C++ 1.2 implementations. I only tried the following
program on an Apollo using Domain C++ and an Ultrix Vax with designer C++,
but it should reproduce on most other C++ 1.2 compilers (those based on the 
AT&T version) as well:


#include <stdio.h>

struct loop { struct loop *next; };

struct loop loopback = { &loopback } ;

/* also try this without inline: */
inline overkill ( struct loop * x)
	printf("%ul\n",x);  /* this should print the same */ 
	x->next = NULL;
	printf("%ul\n",x); /* as this, ????? :-) */



 Michael K. Gschwind    	...!uunet!mcvax!tuvie!vlsivie!gschwind
|    _	| Peter J. Holzer			| Think of it	|
| |_|_)	| Technische Universitaet Wien		| as evolution	|
| | |	| hp@honey.tuwien.ac.at			| in action!	|
| __/  	| ...!uunet!mcsun!tuvie!asupa!honey!hp	|     Tony Rand	|

kurtl@fai.UUCP (Kurt Luoto) (01/06/90)

In article <1046@tuvie> inst182@tuvie (Inst.f.Techn.Informatik) writes:
>As far as I can remember the semantics of an inline function is supposed to be
>*EXACTLY* the same as if it were not declaread as inline. This, however, seems
>not to be the case in most C++ 1.2 implementations.
[ ... ]
> Michael K. Gschwind    	...!uunet!mcvax!tuvie!vlsivie!gschwind
>|    _	| Peter J. Holzer			| Think of it	|
>| |_|_)	| Technische Universitaet Wien		| as evolution	|
>| | |	| hp@honey.tuwien.ac.at			| in action!	|
>| __/  	| ...!uunet!mcsun!tuvie!asupa!honey!hp	|     Tony Rand	|

When I first learned C++ using cfront 1.2, I noticed that in some
cases inline functions were often expanded in macro-fashion,
sometimes with incorrect results.  Some of these bugs are still
present in cfront 2.0.  We have a version of cfront 2.0 from HCR
that comes with some AT&T release notes as well as HCR's own notes.
The bug list in AT&T's notes ("Known Problems") doesn't mention this
class of bugs, but the HCR notes do:

	6. Known limitations


	   3. Inline function:
	      Bad code may be generated. The problem seems to be
	      in testing if the arguments to the function need
	      to be assigned to temporaries (Test: s4.C).

I don't know the date of the AT&T notes, but HCR's is July 1989.
Is there a more recent (and more complete) bug list?  Any idea of
when these bugs will be fixed?  Just wondering ...

Kurt W. Luoto     kurtl@fai.com   or   ...!sun!fai!kurtl