[comp.lang.c++] Question Re. cout

kenny@m.cs.uiuc.edu (01/11/90)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stream.h>


int* x = new int;

*x = 10;
cout << "1. x = " << *x << '\n';
cout << "\n";
cout << "2. x = " << *x << "\n";
printf("3. x = %d %c",*x,'\n');

Question: Why does the first cout (cout << "1. x = " << *x << '\n';)
	  produce the output x = 1010 ??

The '\n', in single quotes, is promoted to an integer before being
passed to cout; the ASCII character value for newline is decimal 10.
This anomaly was an unavoidable misfeature of the original C++
calculus of types; it's fixed in cfront 2.0, gcc, and zortech.


jeffa@hpmwtd.HP.COM (Jeff Aguilera) (01/11/90)

> I am a new C++ user and curious as to why the following program  behaves
> as it does.
> The program:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <stream.h>
> main()
> {
> int* x = new int;
> *x = 10;
> cout << "1. x = " << *x << '\n';
> cout << "\n";
> cout << "2. x = " << *x << "\n";
> printf("3. x = %d %c",*x,'\n');
> }
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 1. x = 1010
> 2. x = 10
> 3. x = 10 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Question: Why does the first cout (cout << "1. x = " << *x << '\n';)
>     produce the output x = 1010 ??
> Bala

Because you are using C++ 1.2, which defines character constants as type
int.  That is, cout << '\n' calls

    ostream& operator<<(ostream&, int)
    ostream& operator<<(ostream&, char*)

With 2.0, character constants have type char, resulting in the expected
