[comp.lang.c++] inlines and __LINE__

crocker@cbnewsc.ATT.COM (ronald.t.crocker) (01/12/90)

In article <2381@ektools.UUCP> randolph@ektools.UUCP (Gary L. Randolph) writes:
>I want to use __LINE__ in an inline function as follows:
... code deleted
>Must I use a macro?

That's one solution.  __LINE__ is a cpp built-in.  The way AT&T C++ (i.e. cfront
and friends) work, cpp is run before cfront.  Hence, after running cpp your
program looks like

class Trace
	int state;
	Trace() { state = 1; }
	int assert() { return 9;}

Trace a;

Cpp, being your friend, replaced __LINE__ by the line number.  I would just
use __LINE__ as an argument to Trace::assert, or make a macro that uses
__LINE__ as the argument to Trace::assert.


Ron Crocker
AT&T Bell Laboratories, IHP 1A-213
(312) 713-5262
Ron Crocker
AT&T Bell Laboratories, IHP 1A-213
(312) 713-5262

jimad@microsoft.UUCP (JAMES ADCOCK) (01/12/90)

In article <2381@ektools.UUCP> randolph@ektools.UUCP (Gary L. Randolph) writes:
>Please tell me I'm missing something obvious here!
>I want to use __LINE__ in an inline function as follows:

Your missing something obvious here.  [Which I'm well aware of, having tried
this once too.]  Namely CPP macro expansion happens before any C++ stuff,
so when C++ sucks up the inline function to be regurgitated later [suitably
modified] __LINE__ is already 9.  So, in fact, as claimed, inlines are
not macros, and excepting bugs work just like normal function calls except
generating bigger, faster, harder to debug code -- and also doing a real
good job of exercising any remaining bugs/restrictions in your underlying
C code generator.

--I would claim this is just yet another indication that CPP is a hack,
and needs to be replaced with features in the language/compilers to handle
most normal everyday programming tasks, including debugging support,
import/export, asserts, condition compilers, templates, etc.  CPP is untyped, 
unsafe, frequently used in unsyntactic ways, etc.  Try writing reasonable
tools to munge C/C++ sources.  You can't.  To parse C/C++ code you have
to have valid syntax, and strict knowledge of when a word is a type-identifier,
and CPP defeats all this.  IMHO.  [Not to rekindle an old flame]