[comp.lang.c++] c++ on SUNs

pomeranz@cs.swarthmore.edu (Hal Pomeranz) (08/15/88)

For those of you using C++ on Suns:  could you please email me (I don't read
this board on a regular basis) (a) the name of the C++ compiler/interpreter
you're using, (b) what you're using it for, and (c) how much you like it and
why.  We'd like to get C++ here, but we're an educational site with limited
funding, so we want to make the right choice.  Thanks for the help.

Hal Pomeranz
System Administrator
Swarthmore College

|UUCP: ...!rutgers!bpa!swatsun!pomeranz          | Living on a lighted stage
|CS Net: pomeranz@cs.swarthmore.edu              |    approaches the unreal...
|BitNet: vu-vlsi!swatsun!pomeranz@psuvax1.bitnet |                  -Rush

little@schmoo.crd.ge.com (H. Mark Little) (01/11/90)

I recently sent a request to this newsgroup for any information about
strongpoints/weaknesses of various implementations of c++.  So far,
I have received the c++ products list (thanks to David Prager, for
forwarding it to me, and to Jean Christophe for posting it in the first
place).  This is a useful starting point, as it informs me of what is
available, and in many cases, gives a phone number I can call for
more detailed info.  This list implies on what platforms these
implementations run, but this leads to the implication, IMHI (Im My
Humble Interpretation), that Glockenspiel c++ works on MS-DOS and OS/2
only, whereas I have used something that *claims* to be Glockenspiel
c++ on a Sun 3/80 running SunOS 4.0.3.  I would like to eliminate
unnecessary phone calls asking about something which I cannot use, but
am not sure which implementations work where.  I will be using c++ with
the X windowing system, on Sun workstations, running under SunOS.  The
following shows what *I* *think* is my usability for the 11 c++ compilers
listed in the products list:

cfront 2.0		yes (of course)
HCR C++			probably not
g++ 1.36.1 (FSF)	yes
MPW C++ (Apple)		no (mac only?)
Zortech C++		don't think so (MS-DOS only?)
Glockenspiel C++	thought not, but . . . (MS-DOS & OS/2 only?)
Lattice C++		no (Amiga only?)
InTek C++		no (Dos & System V only?)
Green Hills C++		??
CC C++ (Comeau)		?? (probably yes)
Oregon C++		yes

I would appreciate any corrections or reinforcements on the above list.
Also, there were no phone numbers included for AT&T (cfront), HCR, and
Zortech.  I *could* find them with a little effort, but as I am lazy,
if anyone happens to know these, I would appreciate them.


H. Mark Little                        e-mail:  little@disney.crd.ge.com
"My goals?  My goals are to find a cure for irony and make a fool out of God."
                                                - The Waitresses

comeau@utoday.UUCP (Greg Comeau) (01/12/90)

In article <4741@crdgw1.crd.ge.com> little@schmoo.crd.ge.com (H. Mark Little) writes:
>I recently sent a request to this newsgroup for any information about
>strongpoints/weaknesses of various implementations of c++.  So far, I have
>received the c++ products list.  The following shows what *I* *think* is my
>usability for the 11 c++ compilers listed in the products list: ...

You list looks accurate to me in terms of addressing Sun based ports.
I think you left out Sun themselves though.

>CC C++ (Comeau)		?? (probably yes)

We have plans for Sun SPARC and Sun 3 ports during 1Q90.
Greg, Comeau Computing, 91-34 120th Street, Richmond Hill, NY, 11418
Producers of CC C++, SysAdm columnist for UNIX Today!, Microsoft Systems Journal
(C programming), + others. Also, BIX c.language & c.plus.plus conf. moderator.
Here:attmail!csanta!greg / BIX:comeau / CIS:72331, 3421 / voice:718-849-2355

jim@hcr.uucp (Jim Sullivan) (01/12/90)

In article <4741@crdgw1.crd.ge.com> little@schmoo.crd.ge.com (H. Mark Little) writes:
>I would appreciate any corrections or reinforcements on the above list.
>Also, there were no phone numbers included for AT&T (cfront), HCR, and
>Zortech.  I *could* find them with a little effort, but as I am lazy,
>if anyone happens to know these, I would appreciate them.

This is just a quick followup to clarify HCR's HCR/C++:

HCR/C++ is a Cfront 2.0 based C++ compiler.  It is shipped with dbXtra,
HCR's full screen, windowing debugger based on dbx.  DbXtra does not require
the X WIndowing System (or any windowing system), but is designed to run on
any alphanumeric terminal.  HCR/C++ is available for the 386 architecture,
specifically the 386/ix Operating System (release 2.0) and SCO UNIX 3.2.
There is no version of HCR/C++ for SUN's.

For more information, HCR can be contacted at:

	130 Bloor Street West
	Suite 1001
	Toronto, Ontario
	M5S 1N5

or send e-mail to me (..!uunet!mnetor!lsuc!hcr!jim)

Jim Sullivan
Product Manager - HCR/C++