[comp.lang.c++] Linking Zortech C++ with Microsoft Libraries

850181f@aucs.uucp (S. Ferguson-Parker) (01/12/90)

  I am using Ver. 1.07 of the compiler (I have sent in the upgrade for
  Ver. 2.0 but I guess the mail is slow way up here in the north. :-)).

  I need to link an object file compiled with Zortech C++ to a library
  built with Microsoft C (or Turbo C).  I can not seem to do it.  
  Does anyone have any ideas?

  Also, I have heard rumours that Ver. 2.0 is much better in this regard;
  is this true?

  One last question, is there any problems with interfacing assembly to the
  compiler?  I have to do this *after* resolving the first problem.


Steven E. Ferguson-Parker Acadia Univ. School of Computer Science
Wolfville N.S. Canada BOP1XO
UUCP:      {uunet|watmath|utai}!cs.dal.ca!aucs!850181f
BITNET:    850181f@AcadiaU.CA
Post: P.O. Box 846 Wolfville N.S. Canada B0P 1X0


bright@Data-IO.COM (Walter Bright) (01/13/90)

In article <1990Jan12.044505.9957@aucs.uucp> 850181f@aucs.UUCP (S. Ferguson-Parker) writes:
<  I need to link an object file compiled with Zortech C++ to a library
<  built with Microsoft C (or Turbo C).  I can not seem to do it.  
Please be more specific.

<  Also, I have heard rumours that Ver. 2.0 is much better in this regard;
It depends. There is documentation with 2.0 that describes the most common
trouble spots and how to deal with them.

<  One last question, is there any problems with interfacing assembly to the
<  compiler?  I have to do this *after* resolving the first problem.
Since half the library is in assembler, I can't imagine why there'd be
any problem in this regard.

I recommend that you call the vendor of your library and request a Zortech
version, that should save you a lot of trouble.