[comp.lang.c++] Dewhurst & Stark questions.

clayton@thumper.bellcore.com (R. Clayton) (01/12/90)

The following code appears in the middle of page 107 in Dewhurst and
Stark's "Programming in C++":

   extern char *home_dir, *path, *file;
   Pathname home = home_dir;
   Pathname file = home + path + file;
   FILE *fp = file->open();

Is this code correct?  Can variables (i.e., file) be overloaded?
Assuming the final reference to file is as a Pathname, shouldn't the
access operator be "." instead of "->"?  Running versions of this code
through g++ 1.36.1 result in the expected compilation errors.

R. Clayton

ark@alice.UUCP (Andrew Koenig) (01/14/90)

In article <1794@thumper.bellcore.com>, clayton@thumper.bellcore.com (R. Clayton) writes:

>    extern char *home_dir, *path, *file;
>    Pathname home = home_dir;
>    Pathname file = home + path + file;
>    FILE *fp = file->open();

> Is this code correct?  Can variables (i.e., file) be overloaded?

Variables cannot be overloaded.

It looks like a typo -- It looks like it should work if you change
the name of one of the instances of `file' systematically:

	extern char *home_dir, *path, *file;
	Pathname home = home_dir;
	Pathname file1 = home + path + file;
	FILE *fp = file1->open();

One might think the following might work too:

	extern char *home_dir, *path, *file;
	Pathname home = home_dir;
		Pathname file = home + path + file;
		FILE *fp = file->open();
		// ...

with `file' in `home + path + file' referring to the `file' in
the enclosing scope.  Unfortunately, the ANSI C standard decrees
that a variable is defined from the instant its name is uttered
in its declaration and C++ goes along with that.  Thus

	int x = 5;
		int x = x + 1;
		// ...

Here the inner x is NOT set to 6 (outer x + 1) but instead is undefined.
				--Andrew Koenig