[comp.lang.c++] Assignment to `this'

rokicki@Neon.Stanford.EDU (Tomas G. Rokicki) (01/18/90)

I have a small application (~5500 lines) in C++ that, in one particular
member function, makes good use of assignment to `this'.  Unfortunately,
I've heard rumors that cfront 2.0 doesn't like this (I don't have a
cfront 2.0 anywhere to test it), and g++ doesn't like it (without a
minor change to the compiler; thanks Mike.)  Is this a `coming thing',
and if so, why?

(PS:  Has nothing to do with storage management; assignment to `this' in
this case allows true tail-recursion in the small language I've
implemented; no, simple tail-recursion optimization as provided by g++
won't give me equivalent functionality . . .)
