[comp.lang.c++] private/protected/public implementation

mgardi@watserv1.waterloo.edu (Mutual Life) (01/16/90)

Could someone give me a short description of how the compiler restricts
access to private/protected elements?

When I look at the C code generated, I don't see any difference in
the code regardless of where I place the data.

Peter DeVries
Mutual Life of Canada
c/o mgardi@watdcsu
(519) 888-3523
(416) 972-0594

ark@alice.UUCP (Andrew Koenig) (01/16/90)

In article <626@watserv1.waterloo.edu>, mgardi@watserv1.waterloo.edu (Mutual Life) writes:
> Could someone give me a short description of how the compiler restricts
> access to private/protected elements?

> When I look at the C code generated, I don't see any difference in
> the code regardless of where I place the data.
> p.


Visibility restrictions affect only whether or not a given program
is legal.  That is, the compiler checks visibility during compilation
and either accepts the program or not.

Changing visibility should not (and in AT&T C++ does not) affect
the object code generated for a program.

This is an important property for debugging.  If you're writing a
class that doesn't work, and you didn't design debugging scaffolding
into the class from the beginning, you often have to make members
public temporarily so you can print their values.  It would be
a real pain if this were to change the behavior of the program.
				--Andrew Koenig

shap@delrey.sgi.com (Jonathan Shapiro) (01/17/90)

In article <626@watserv1.waterloo.edu> mgardi@watserv1.waterloo.edu (Mutual Life) writes:
>Could someone give me a short description of how the compiler restricts
>access to private/protected elements?

The restriction is only applied by the compiler at compile time.
Since it has seen the declarations, it knows what you are allowed to do.

davidc@vlsisj.VLSI.COM (David Chapman) (01/18/90)

In article <626@watserv1.waterloo.edu> mgardi@watserv1.waterloo.edu (Mutual Life) writes:
>Could someone give me a short description of how the compiler restricts
>access to private/protected elements?
>When I look at the C code generated, I don't see any difference in
>the code regardless of where I place the data.

It should look the same because (presumably) you're doing the same thing in 
each case.

If you try to access elements without the "privilege" to do so, the compiler
simply refuses and prints an error message.  This checking doesn't get out
to the generated C code (with cfront as opposed to native compilers like
Zortech) because you aren't modifying that file.  At least I hope you're not.

The "prevention" is done by the compiler at compile time and has no effect
at run time.  You can still do just as much damage as with C.  :-)
		David Chapman

{known world}!decwrl!vlsisj!fndry!davidc