[comp.lang.c++] C++ products list

jcc@design.axis.fr (Jean Christophe) (11/24/89)

Hello folks,

Here is the 1st version of a C++ products list.
It's *VERY* incomplete but I'm still working on it.
So if you have infomations about products described here or infomation on
existing products not described here, please Email to me, I'll do the updates!

Thanx to the few (sigh!) people who Emailed me what they knew.

I hope to post a new list in 2 weeks or so.

DISCLAIMER : Informations presented here do not pretend to be perfectly
             exact. It's purely informative. If you detect errors, instead
	     of flaming me, Email to me the correct data so that I can
	     update the list.

Please, help me to keep this list up to date!

NAME		Description		  Price	Distributor/where to get it
-----		-----------		  -----	---------------------------
cfront 2.0	AT&T C++ translator 2.0	  20.000$ AT&T (source distribution)
HCR C++		HCR's port of AT&T's
		cfront + Debugger on 386
		Boxes (SCO & Interactive)  500$	HCR
g++		Gnu C++ (1.36.1)	   PD	Free Software Foundation
		This a real compiler
MPW C++		Apple's port of cfront     ??	Apple Corp.
		to the Mac
Zortech C++	C++ (2.0) for MS-DOS       ??	Zortech Corp.
		(this a real Compiler
		 plus a Debugger and
		 a set of classes)	   
GlockenSpiel C++ GlockenSpiel's port of    ??	GlockenSpiel
	         cfront 1.2 (2.0 expected
		 soon) for MS-DOS & OS/2   
InterViews	C++ classes for X11	   PD	X11 distribution tape
ET++		C++ classes for X11
		and MS Windows		   PD?	??????
CommonView	C++ classes for
		MS Windows & OS2/PM	   ??	GlockenSpiel
OOPS		C++ SmallTalk like 
		classes.	   	   PD	?????
libg++		Gnu g++ libraries	   PD	Free Software foundation
		(iostreams, etc..)
Screens++       classes for window user	   ??	ImageSoft Inc.
		interfaces for Unix and		2 Haven Ave.
		MS-DOS.                         Port Washington, New York 11050
Common Matrix   matrix stuff		   ??	ImageSoft Inc.
Rogue Wave	C++ Vector and Matrix	   150$	Rogue Wave Associates
						P.O. Box 85341
						Seattle, WA 98145
						(206) 523-5831
EC++		Extended C++.		   PD	??????
		Language Extension.
		(Polymorphism, exception

Note : PD means Public Domain or freeWare.
       Prices are here just to give an idea of the what it may cost.

jcc@design.axis.fr     | "An artificial intelligence is better than none !"
.!inria!axis!design!jcc| "Artificial intelligence matches natural stupidity !"
Collet jean-christophe | "Objets inanimes avez vous donc une ame ?"
	Axis Design         |
	135 rue d'aguesseau |       <this space left intentionaly blank>
	92100 Boulogne      |
	France              |
 Phone: +33 (1) 46 05 89 51 |

jcc@design.axis.fr (Jean Christophe) (12/02/89)

Hi folks,

To format this document, you have to use tbl, troff & the mm package :

	tbl c++list | troff -mm

So long,

-- Jessie
Note : I used few mm macros, so it should be easy to modify this to make
it work with ms for example.

-- jcc
--------------------- CUT HERE ------------------------------------------
.PH ''C++\ Products\ List''
.PF ''''
Here is the list of currently available C++ products I came to.
I wish to thank all the people who sent me informations and/or
My intent is to keep this list alive. So if you know a product that
is not in this list, Email to me your informations, I'll make the updates
and post the new list after a while.
Concerning prices : be warned that I put this entry here just to give
an idea of what it *MAY* cost. Prices are frequently fluent matter.
So if you're interested with a product, check with the distributor...
By the way, I limited the list to *FULL* C++ products, so I had to
discard some products (compilers) that weren't.
I hope this will be usefull to you...
center, box;
l | l.
jcc@design.axis.fr	"An artificial intelligence is better than none !"
\&.!inria!axis!design!jcc	"Artificial intelligence matches natural stupidity !"
Collet jean-christophe	"Objets inanimes avez vous donc une ame ?"
Axis Design
135 rue d'aguesseau	<this space left intentionaly blank>
92100 Boulogne
Phone: +33 (1) 46 05 89 51
.FS 1
PD	means Public Domain (No restriction)
FW	means FreeWare (some restrictions)
GPL	means Gnu Public License
prices may be wrong (tey are given just to give an idea of what it may cost)
.FS 2
Prices for AT&T's sources may varie from $350 (for Universities)
up to $20.000. That is : check with AT&T!
expand, box;
cb s s s
cb | cb | cb | cb
l | l | c | l.
Name	Description	Price\*F	Distributor/where to get it
cfront 2.0	T{
AT&T's C++
translator 2.0
T}	variable\*F	AT&T (source distribution)
HCR C++	T{
HCR's port of
AT&T's cfront.
Plus a debugger
on 386 boxes
(SCO & Interactive)
T}	$1000	T{
Human Computing Research
g++ 1.36.1	T{
Gnu C++. This is
a real compiler
(it generates assembly
T}	GPL	Free Software Foundation
MPW C++	T{
Apple's port of
cfront to the
Mac. (You'll need
MPW C 3.0
to make this works)
T}	$175	Apple Corp.
Zortech C++	T{
C++ (2.0) for
MS-DOS (this is a
real compiler
plus a debugger
and a set of
T}	??	Zortech Corp.
T}	T{
GlockenSpiel's port
of cfront 1.2
(2.0 expected soon)
for MS-DOS & OS/2
T}	??	GlockenSpiel
Lattice C++	T{
Lattice's port of
cfront on the Amiga
T}	$375	Lattice (SAS)
InTek C++	T{
cfront 1.2 on
386 boxes for
Dos & System V.
Uses extended
memory (2.0
expected soon)
T}	$495	T{
Integration Technologies, Inc (InTek)
1400 112th Ave. S.E. Suite 202
Bellevue WA 98004
+1 206 455 9935 (voice)
+1 206 455 9934 (Fax)
expand, box;
cb s s s
cb | cb | cb | cb
l | l | c | l.
Name	Description	Price	Distributor/where to get it
InterViews 2.5	T{
C++ classes for X11
T}	PD	X11 distribution tape 
ET++	T{
C++ classes for X11.
seems to be a "MacApp"
for X11, SunWindows and
T}	PD	T{
ET++ is available from
( in the files 
CommonView	T{
C++ classes for
MS Windows & OS2/PM
T}	??	GlockenSpiel
OOPS 2.2	T{
C++ SmallTalk like classes.
T}	PD	?????
libg++ 1.36	T{
gnu g++ libraries
(iostreams, etc..)
T}	GPL	Free Software Foundation
Screens++	T{
classes for window
user interfaces for
Unix and MS-DOS.
T}	??	T{
ImageSoft Inc.
2 Haven Ave.
Port Washington, New York 11050
Common Matrix	matrix stuff	??	ImageSoft Inc.
Rogue Wave	T{
C++ Vector and Matrix classes
T}	$150	T{
Rogue Wave Associates
P.O. Box 85341
Seattle, WA 98145
(206) 523-5831
MacApp 2.0	T{
object pascal classes
for writing MacIntosh
applications (freely
useable with C++)
T}	$250	Apple Corp.
expand, box;
cb s s s
cb | cb | cb | cb
l | l | c | l.
Name	Description	Price	Distributor/where to get it
ObjectWorks	T{
software application
development system
for C++ 2.0
(incremental compiler &
linker, class browser,
debugger, etc...)
For Sun workstations.
T}	$2.495	T{
ParcPlace Systems, Inc.
1550 Plymouth Road
Mountain View, CA 94043 (USA)
(415) 691-6700
EC++	T{
Extended C++.
Language extension.
(polymorphism, exception
collector, etc...)
T}	PD	?????
C++ answer
Book sources
T}	T{
Sources for Tony Hansen's
T}	FW	?????
ET++ patches	T{
Patches to make
ET++ compile 
with g++.
T}	PD	T{
qed.rice.edu ( in
gdb	T{
the Gnu source level 
debugger. Allows to
debug g++ programs.
T}	GPL	Free Software Foundation
Very high level C++/C/Pascal
debugger using a full
windowing environment
T}	$100	Apple Inc.
MacsBug	T{
low level 68xxx
ASM debugger that
groks C++
T}	Free	Apple Inc.

jcc@design.axis.fr (Jean Christophe) (12/02/89)

			    C++	Products List

       Here is the list	of currently available C++ products I came
       to.  I wish to thank all	the people who sent me informations
       and/or corrections.

       My intent is to keep this list alive. So	if you know a
       product that is not in this list, Email to me your
       informations, I'll make the updates and post the	new list
       after a while.

       Concerning prices : be warned that I put	this entry here
       just to give an idea of what it *MAY* cost. Prices are
       frequently fluent matter.  So if	you're interested with a
       product,	check with the distributor...

       By the way, I limited the list to *FULL*	C++ products, so I
       had to discard some products (compilers)	that weren't.

       I hope this will	be usefull to you...


jcc@design.axis.fr     | "An artificial intelligence is better than none !"
.!inria!axis!design!jcc| "Artificial intelligence matches natural stupidity !"
Collet jean-christophe | "Objets inanimes avez vous donc une ame ?"
	Axis Design         |
	135 rue d'aguesseau |       <this space left intentionaly blank>
	92100 Boulogne      |
	France              |
 Phone: +33 (1) 46 05 89 51 |

			    C++	Products List

      |				 Compilers			    |
      |	   Name	  | Description	| Price  |Distributor/where to get i|
      |cfront 2.0 |AT&T's C++	|variable|AT&T (source distribution)|
      |		  |translator	|	 |			    |
      |		  |2.0		|	 |			    |
      |HCR C++	  |HCR's port	|  $1000 |Human	Computing Research  |
      |		  |of AT&T's	|	 |Canada		    |
      |		  |cfront.	|	 |			    |
      |		  |Plus	a de-	|	 |			    |
      |		  |bugger on	|	 |			    |
      |		  |386 boxes	|	 |			    |
      |		  |(SCO	& In-	|	 |			    |
      |		  |teractive)	|	 |			    |
      |g++ 1.36.1 |Gnu C++.	|   GPL	 |Free Software	Foundation  |
      |		  |This	is a	|	 |			    |
      |		  |real	com-	|	 |			    |
      |		  |piler (it	|	 |			    |
      |		  |generates	|	 |			    |
      |		  |assembly	|	 |			    |
      |		  |code)	|	 |			    |
      |MPW C++	  |Apple's port	|  $175	 |Apple	Corp.		    |
      |		  |of cfront to	|	 |			    |
      |		  |the Mac.	|	 |			    |
      |		  |(You'll need	|	 |			    |
      |		  |MPW C 3.0 to	|	 |			    |
      |		  |make	this	|	 |			    |
      |		  |works)	|	 |			    |
      |Zortech C++|C++ (2.0)	|   ??	 |Zortech Corp.		    |
      |		  |for MS-DOS	|	 |			    |


	 1 PD	   means Public	Domain (No restriction)
	   FW	   means FreeWare (some	restrictions)
	   GPL	   means Gnu Public License
	   prices may be wrong (tey are	given just to give an idea
	   of what it may cost)

	 2 Prices for AT&T's sources may varie from $350 (for
	   Universities) up to $20.000.	That is	: check	with AT&T!

			    C++	Products List

      |		  |(this is a	|	 |			    |
      |		  |real	com-	|	 |			    |
      |		  |piler plus a	|	 |			    |
      |		  |debugger and	|	 |			    |
      |		  |a set of	|	 |			    |
      |		  |classes)	|	 |			    |
      |GlockenSpie|GlockenSpiel'|   ??	 |GlockenSpiel		    |
      |C++	  |port	of	|	 |			    |
      |		  |cfront 1.2	|	 |			    |
      |		  |(2.0	expect-	|	 |			    |
      |		  |ed soon) for	|	 |			    |
      |		  |MS-DOS &	|	 |			    |
      |		  |OS/2		|	 |			    |
      |Lattice C++|Lattice's	|  $375	 |Lattice (SAS)		    |
      |		  |port	of	|	 |			    |
      |		  |cfront on	|	 |			    |
      |		  |the Amiga	|	 |			    |
      |InTek C++  |cfront 1.2	|  $495	 |Integration Technologies, |
      |		  |on 386 boxes	|	 |Inc (InTek)		    |
      |		  |for Dos &	|	 |1400 112th Ave. S.E. Suite|
      |		  |System V.	|	 |202			    |
      |		  |Uses	extend-	|	 |Bellevue WA 98004	    |
      |		  |ed memory	|	 |+1 206 455 9935 (voice)   |
      |		  |(2.0	expect-	|	 |+1 206 455 9934 (Fax)	    |
      |		  |ed soon)	|	 |			    |

			    C++	Products List

      |				Libraries			  |
      |	    Name    | Description|Pric|	Distributor/where to get i|
      |InterViews 2.| C++ classes| PD |	X11 distribution tape	  |
      |		    | for X11	 |    |				  |
      |ET++	    | C++ classes| PD |	ET++ is	available from	  |
      |		    | for X11.	 |    |	cayuga.cs.rochester.edu	  |
      |		    | seems to be|    |	( in the file|
      |		    | a	"MacApp" |    |	pub/et++-1.0.tar.Z[1234]. |
      |		    | for X11,	 |    |				  |
      |		    | SunWindows |    |				  |
      |		    | and NeWS	 |    |				  |
      |CommonView   | C++ classes| ?? |	GlockenSpiel		  |
      |		    | for MS	 |    |				  |
      |		    | Windows &	 |    |				  |
      |		    | OS2/PM	 |    |				  |
      |OOPS 2.2	    | C++	 | PD |	?????			  |
      |		    | SmallTalk	 |    |				  |
      |		    | like	 |    |				  |
      |		    | classes.	 |    |				  |
      |libg++ 1.36  | gnu g++	 | GPL|	Free Software Foundation  |
      |		    | libraries	 |    |				  |
      |		    | (iostreams,|    |				  |
      |		    | etc..)	 |    |				  |
      |Screens++    | classes for| ?? |	ImageSoft Inc.		  |
      |		    | window user|    |	2 Haven	Ave.		  |
      |		    | interfaces |    |	Port Washington, New York |
      |		    | for Unix an|    |	11050			  |
      |		    | MS-DOS.	 |    |	516-767-2233		  |
      |Common Matrix| matrix stuf| ?? |	ImageSoft Inc.		  |
      |Rogue Wave   | C++ Vector |$150|	Rogue Wave Associates	  |
      |		    | and Matrix |    |	P.O. Box 85341		  |
      |		    | classes	 |    |	Seattle, WA 98145	  |
      |		    |		 |    |	(206) 523-5831		  |
      |MacApp 2.0   | object	 |$250|	Apple Corp.		  |
      |		    | pascal	 |    |				  |
      |		    | classes for|    |				  |
      |		    | writing	 |    |				  |
      |		    | MacIntosh	 |    |				  |

			    C++	Products List

      |		    | application|    |				  |
      |		    | (freely	 |    |				  |
      |		    | useable wit|    |				  |
      |		    | C++)	 |    |				  |

			    C++	Products List

      |				   Misc.			   |
      |	   Name	  |  Description  |Price|Distributor/where to get i|
      |ObjectWorks|software	  |$2.49|ParcPlace Systems, Inc.   |
      |		  |application	  |	|1550 Plymouth Road	   |
      |		  |development	  |	|Mountain View,	CA 94043   |
      |		  |system for	  |	|(USA)			   |
      |		  |C++ 2.0	  |	|(415) 691-6700		   |
      |		  |(incremental	  |	|			   |
      |		  |compiler &	  |	|			   |
      |		  |linker,	  |	|			   |
      |		  |class	  |	|			   |
      |		  |browser,	  |	|			   |
      |		  |debugger,	  |	|			   |
      |		  |etc...)  For	  |	|			   |
      |		  |Sun		  |	|			   |
      |		  |workstations.  |	|			   |
      |EC++	  |Extended	  |  PD	|?????			   |
      |		  |C++.		  |	|			   |
      |		  |Language	  |	|			   |
      |		  |extension.	  |	|			   |
      |		  |(polymorphism, |	|			   |
      |		  |exception	  |	|			   |
      |		  |handling,garbag|	|			   |
      |		  |collector,	  |	|			   |
      |		  |etc...)	  |	|			   |
      |C++ answer |Sources for	  |  FW	|?????			   |
      |Book source|Tony		  |	|			   |
      |		  |Hansen's	  |	|			   |
      |		  |book.	  |	|			   |
      |ET++ patche|Patches to	  |  PD	|qed.rice.edu (|
      |		  |make	ET++	  |	|in /pub/et++/et...	   |
      |		  |compile with	  |	|			   |
      |		  |g++.		  |	|			   |
      |gdb	  |the Gnu	  | GPL	|Free Software Foundation  |
      |		  |source level	  |	|			   |
      |		  |debugger.	  |	|			   |
      |		  |Allows to	  |	|			   |
      |		  |debug g++	  |	|			   |
      |		  |programs.	  |	|			   |
      |SADE	  |Very	high	  | $100|Apple Inc.		   |
      |		  |level	  |	|			   |

			    C++	Products List

      |		  |C++/C/Pascal	  |	|			   |
      |		  |debugger	  |	|			   |
      |		  |using a full	  |	|			   |
      |		  |windowing	  |	|			   |
      |		  |environment	  |	|			   |
      |MacsBug	  |low level	  | Free|Apple Inc.		   |
      |		  |68xxx ASM	  |	|			   |
      |		  |debugger	  |	|			   |
      |		  |that	groks	  |	|			   |
      |		  |C++		  |	|			   |

jcc@design.axis.fr (Jean Christophe) (12/22/89)

Hello folks,

Here is the latest update of the C++ products list.
Like the previous one it's a troffable file using the mm macros package.
Print it with the command :

	tbl <c++list.troff | troff -mm | ...

I'll post an ascii version too.

BTW, MERRY XMAS to all of you, netland fellows !!

-- "Jessie"

---- CUT HERE ---- CUT HERE ---- CUT HERE ---- CUT HERE ---- CUT HERE ----
..ds S1 \v'-.4m'\s-2\&1\s0\v'.5m'
..ds S2 \v'-.4m'\s-2\&2\s0\v'.5m'
..PH ''C++\ Products\ List''
..PF ''''
Here is the list of C++ products currently available I came to.
I wish to thank all the people who sent me informations and/or
My intent is to keep this list alive. So if you know a product that
is not in this list, Email to me your informations, I'll make the updates
and post the new list after a while.
Concerning prices : be warned that I put this entry here just to give
an idea of what it *MAY* cost. Prices are frequently fluent matter.
So if you're interested with a product, check with the distributor...
By the way, I limited the list to *FULL* C++ products, so I had to
discard some products (compilers) that weren't.
I hope this will be usefull to you...
center, box;
l | l.
jcc@design.axis.fr	"An artificial intelligence is better than none !"
\&.!inria!axis!design!jcc	"Artificial intelligence matches natural stupidity !"
Collet jean-christophe	"Objets inanimes avez vous donc une ame ?"
Axis Design
135 rue d'aguesseau	<this space left intentionaly blank>
92100 Boulogne
Phone: +33 (1) 46 05 89 51
..FS 1
PD	means Public Domain (No restriction)
FW	means FreeWare (some restrictions)
GPL	means Gnu Public License (some restrictions)
prices may be wrong (tey are given just to give an idea of what it may cost)
..FS 2
Prices for AT&T's sources may varie from $350 (for Universities)
up to $20.000. That is : check with AT&T!
expand, box;
cb s s s
cb | cb | cb | cb
l | l | c | l.
Name	Description	Price\*(S1	Distributor/where to get it
cfront 2.0	T{
AT&T's C++
translator 2.0
T}	variable\*(S2	AT&T (source distribution)
HCR C++	T{
HCR's port of
AT&T's cfront.
Plus a debugger
on 386 boxes
(SCO & Interactive)
T}	$1000	T{
Human Computing Research
g++ 1.36.1	T{
Gnu C++. This is
a real compiler
(it generates assembly
Free Software Foundation
675 Mass. Ave.
Cambridge, MA  02139, USA
+1 (617) 876-3296
MPW C++	T{
Apple's port of
cfront to the
Mac. (You'll need
MPW C 3.0
to make this works)
T}	$175	Apple Corp.
Zortech C++	T{
C++ (2.0) for
MS-DOS (this is a
real compiler
plus a debugger
and a set of
T}	$450	T{
Zortech Inc.
1165 Massachusets Avenue
Arlington, MA, USA
Tel:(617) 646-6703
T}	T{
GlockenSpiel's port
of cfront 1.2
(2.0 expected soon)
for MS-DOS & OS/2
T}	??	T{
39 Lower Dominick Street
Dublin 1
Tel:+353-1 733166
Lattice C++	T{
Lattice's port of
cfront on the Amiga
T}	$375	Lattice (SAS)
InTek C++	T{
cfront 1.2 on
386 boxes for
Dos & System V.
Uses extended
memory (2.0
expected soon)
T}	$495	T{
Integration Technologies, Inc (InTek)
1400 112th Ave. S.E. Suite 202
Bellevue WA 98004
+1 206 455 9935 (voice)
+1 206 455 9934 (Fax)
expand, box;
cb s s s
cb | cb | cb | cb
l | l | c | l.
Compilers (continued)
Name	Description	Price	Distributor/where to get it
Green Hills C++	T{
C++ native and Cross compiler
for 680x0 and 88000
T}	??	T{
230 Second Avenue
Waltham, MA 02154
Tel: (617) 890-7889
CC C++	T{
Comeau's port of C++ 2.0
on 286/386 boxes,
AT&T Unix PC, 3B1 & 3B2.
DOS & OS/2 expected.
T}	T{
T}	T{
Comeau Computing
81-34 120th street
Richmond Hill, NY 11418
Tel: (718) 849-2355
Oregon C++	T{
C++ true compiler
(don't know if it's
1.2 or 2.0) plus
a source level debugger
for SUN3, VAX & 386
T}	??	T{
Oregon Software
6915 SW Macadam Suite 200
Portland, OR 97219 - 2397
Tel: (503) 245 8449
expand, box;
cb s s s
cb | cb | cb | cb
l | l | c | l.
Name	Description	Price	Distributor/where to get it
InterViews 2.5	T{
C++ classes for X11
T}	PD	X11 distribution tape 
ET++	T{
C++ classes for X11.
seems to be a "MacApp"
for X11, SunWindows and
T}	PD	T{
ET++ is available from
( in the files 
CommonView	T{
C++ classes for
MS Windows & OS2/PM
T}	??	GlockenSpiel
NIHlib 2.204
(formerly OOPS)
T}	T{
C++ SmallTalk like classes.
Rewritten for C++ 2.0
T}	PD	T{
FTP from alw.nih.gov (
in file pub/nihcl-2.204.tar.Z
libg++ 1.36	T{
gnu g++ libraries
(iostreams, etc..)
T}	GPL	Free Software Foundation
Screens++	T{
classes for window
user interfaces for
Unix and MS-DOS.
T}	??	T{
ImageSoft Inc.
2 Haven Ave.
Port Washington, New York 11050
Common Matrix	matrix stuff	??	ImageSoft Inc.
Rogue Wave	T{
C++ Vector and Matrix classes
T}	$150	T{
Rogue Wave Associates
P.O. Box 85341
Seattle, WA 98145
(206) 523-5831
MacApp 2.0	T{
object pascal classes
for writing MacIntosh
applications (freely
useable with C++)
T}	$250	Apple Corp.
expand, box;
cb s s s
cb | cb | cb | cb
l | l | c | l.
Name	Description	Price	Distributor/where to get it
ObjectWorks	T{
software application
development system
for C++ 2.0
(incremental compiler &
linker, class browser,
debugger, etc...)
For Sun workstations.
T}	$2.495	T{
ParcPlace Systems, Inc.
1550 Plymouth Road
Mountain View, CA 94043 (USA)
(415) 691-6700
EC++	T{
Extended C++.
Language extension.
(polymorphism, exception
collector, etc...)
T}	PD	?????
ONTOS is an object-oriented database
written in C++. It comes with a Class
library for accessing the database.
VAX, DECstation and OS/2 expected.
T}	T{
T}	T{
Ontologic Inc.
3 Burlington Woods
Burlington, MA 01803
Tel: (617) 272-7110
C++ answer
Book sources
T}	T{
Sources for Tony Hansen's
T}	FW	?????
ET++ patches	T{
Patches to make
ET++ compile 
with g++.
T}	PD	T{
qed.rice.edu ( in
gdb	T{
the Gnu source level 
debugger. Allows to
debug g++ programs.
T}	GPL	Free Software Foundation
Very high level C++/C/Pascal
debugger using a full
windowing environment
T}	$100	Apple Inc.
MacsBug	T{
low level 68xxx
ASM debugger that
groks C++
T}	Free	Apple Inc.

jcc@design.axis.fr (Jean Christophe) (12/22/89)

                            C++ Products List

       Here is the list of C++ products currently available I came
       to.  I wish to thank all the people who sent me informations
       and/or corrections.

       My intent is to keep this list alive. So if you know a
       product that is not in this list, Email to me your
       informations, I'll make the updates and post the new list
       after a while.

       Concerning prices : be warned that I put this entry here
       just to give an idea of what it *MAY* cost. Prices are
       frequently fluent matter.  So if you're interested with a
       product, check with the distributor...

       By the way, I limited the list to *FULL* C++ products, so I
       had to discard some products (compilers) that weren't.

       I hope this will be usefull to you...


jcc@design.axis.fr     | "An artificial intelligence is better than none !"
..!inria!axis!design!jcc| "Artificial intelligence matches natural stupidity !"
Collet jean-christophe | "Objets inanimes avez vous donc une ame ?"
	Axis Design         |
	135 rue d'aguesseau |       <this space left intentionaly blank>
	92100 Boulogne      |
	France              |
 Phone: +33 (1) 46 05 89 51 |

                            C++ Products List

      |                          Compilers                          |
      |    Name   | Description |Price(1)|Distributor/where to get i|
      |cfront 2.0 |AT&T's C++   |variable|AT&T (source distribution)|
      |           |translator   |  (2)   |                          |
      |           |2.0          |        |                          |
      |HCR C++    |HCR's port   |  $1000 |Human Computing Research  |
      |           |of AT&T's    |        |Canada                    |
      |           |cfront.      |        |                          |
      |           |Plus a de-   |        |                          |
      |           |bugger on    |        |                          |
      |           |386 boxes    |        |                          |
      |           |(SCO & In-   |        |                          |
      |           |teractive)   |        |                          |
      |g++ 1.36.1 |Gnu C++.     |   GPL  |Free Software Foundation  |
      |           |This is a    |        |675 Mass. Ave.  Cambridge,|
      |           |real com-    |        |MA  02139, USA +1 (617)   |
      |           |piler (it    |        |876-3296                  |
      |           |generates    |        |                          |
      |           |assembly     |        |                          |
      |           |code)        |        |                          |
      |MPW C++    |Apple's port |  $175  |Apple Corp.               |
      |           |of cfront to |        |                          |
      |           |the Mac.     |        |                          |
      |           |(You'll need |        |                          |
      |           |MPW C 3.0 to |        |                          |
      |           |make this    |        |                          |
      |           |works)       |        |                          |
      |Zortech C++|C++ (2.0)    |  $450  |Zortech Inc.  1165 Mas-   |
      |           |for MS-DOS   |        |sachusets Avenue Arlington|


         1 PD      means Public Domain (No restriction)
           FW      means FreeWare (some restrictions)
           GPL     means Gnu Public License (some restrictions)
           prices may be wrong (tey are given just to give an idea
           of what it may cost)

         2 Prices for AT&T's sources may varie from $350 (for
           Universities) up to $20.000. That is : check with AT&T!

                            C++ Products List

      |           |(this is a   |        |MA, USA Tel:(617) 646-6703|
      |           |real com-    |        |                          |
      |           |piler plus a |        |                          |
      |           |debugger and |        |                          |
      |           |a set of     |        |                          |
      |           |classes)     |        |                          |
      |GlockenSpie|GlockenSpiel'|   ??   |GlockenSpiel 39 Lower Dom-|
      |C++        |port of      |        |inick Street Dublin 1 Ire-|
      |           |cfront 1.2   |        |land Tel:+353-1 733166    |
      |           |(2.0 expect- |        |                          |
      |           |ed soon) for |        |                          |
      |           |MS-DOS &     |        |                          |
      |           |OS/2         |        |                          |
      |Lattice C++|Lattice's    |  $375  |Lattice (SAS)             |
      |           |port of      |        |                          |
      |           |cfront on    |        |                          |
      |           |the Amiga    |        |                          |
      |InTek C++  |cfront 1.2   |  $495  |Integration Technologies, |
      |           |on 386 boxes |        |Inc (InTek)               |
      |           |for Dos &    |        |1400 112th Ave. S.E. Suite|
      |           |System V.    |        |202                       |
      |           |Uses extend- |        |Bellevue WA 98004         |
      |           |ed memory    |        |+1 206 455 9935 (voice)   |
      |           |(2.0 expect- |        |+1 206 455 9934 (Fax)     |
      |           |ed soon)     |        |                          |

                            C++ Products List

      |                   Compilers (continued)                   |
      |     Name     |Description| Pric|Distributor/where to get i|
      |Green Hills C+|C++ native |  ?? |Oasys 230 Second Avenue   |
      |              |and Cross  |     |Waltham, MA 02154 Tel:    |
      |              |compiler fo|     |(617) 890-7889            |
      |              |680x0 and  |     |                          |
      |              |88000      |     |                          |
      |CC C++        |Comeau's   | From|Comeau Computing 81-34    |
      |              |port of C++|$250 |120th street Richmond Hill|
      |              |2.0 on     | to  |NY 11418 Tel: (718)       |
      |              |286/386    |$1000|849-2355                  |
      |              |boxes, AT&T|     |                          |
      |              |Unix PC, 3B|     |                          |
      |              |& 3B2.  DOS|     |                          |
      |              |& OS/2     |     |                          |
      |              |expected.  |     |                          |
      |Oregon C++    |C++ true   |  ?? |Oregon Software 6915 SW   |
      |              |compiler   |     |Macadam Suite 200 Portland|
      |              |(don't know|     |OR 97219 - 2397 Tel: (503)|
      |              |if it's 1.2|     |245 8449                  |
      |              |or 2.0) +  |     |                          |
      |              |a source   |     |                          |
      |              |level      |     |                          |
      |              |debugger on|     |                          |
      |              |SUN3, VAX &|     |                          |
      |              |386        |     |                          |

                            C++ Products List

      |                         Libraries                         |
      |     Name    | Description|Pric| Distributor/where to get i|
      |InterViews 2.| C++ classes| PD | X11 distribution tape     |
      |             | for X11    |    |                           |
      |ET++         | C++ classes| PD | ET++ is available from    |
      |             | for X11.   |    | cayuga.cs.rochester.edu   |
      |             | seems to be|    | ( in the file|
      |             | a "MacApp" |    | pub/et++-1.0.tar.Z[1234]. |
      |             | for X11,   |    |                           |
      |             | SunWindows |    |                           |
      |             | and NeWS   |    |                           |
      |CommonView   | C++ classes| ?? | GlockenSpiel              |
      |             | for MS     |    |                           |
      |             | Windows &  |    |                           |
      |             | OS2/PM     |    |                           |
      |NIHlib 2.204 | C++        | PD | FTP from alw.nih.gov      |
      |(formerly    | SmallTalk  |    | ( in file |
      |OOPS)        | like       |    | pub/nihcl-2.204.tar.Z     |
      |             | classes.   |    |                           |
      |             | Rewritten  |    |                           |
      |             | for C++ 2.0|    |                           |
      |libg++ 1.36  | gnu g++    | GPL| Free Software Foundation  |
      |             | libraries  |    |                           |
      |             | (iostreams,|    |                           |
      |             | etc..)     |    |                           |
      |Screens++    | classes for| ?? | ImageSoft Inc.            |
      |             | window user|    | 2 Haven Ave.              |
      |             | interfaces |    | Port Washington, New York |
      |             | for Unix an|    | 11050                     |
      |             | MS-DOS.    |    | 516-767-2233              |
      |Common Matrix| matrix stuf| ?? | ImageSoft Inc.            |
      |Rogue Wave   | C++ Vector |$150| Rogue Wave Associates     |
      |             | and Matrix |    | P.O. Box 85341            |
      |             | classes    |    | Seattle, WA 98145         |
      |             |            |    | (206) 523-5831            |
      |MacApp 2.0   | object     |$250| Apple Corp.               |
      |             | pascal     |    |                           |
      |             | classes for|    |                           |

                            C++ Products List

      |             | writing    |    |                           |
      |             | MacIntosh  |    |                           |
      |             | application|    |                           |
      |             | (freely    |    |                           |
      |             | useable wit|    |                           |
      |             | C++)       |    |                           |

                            C++ Products List

      |                            Misc.                            |
      |    Name   |  Description  | Price|Distributor/where to get i|
      |ObjectWorks|software       |$2.495|ParcPlace Systems, Inc.   |
      |           |application    |      |1550 Plymouth Road        |
      |           |development    |      |Mountain View, CA 94043   |
      |           |system for     |      |(USA)                     |
      |           |C++ 2.0        |      |(415) 691-6700            |
      |           |(incremental   |      |                          |
      |           |compiler &     |      |                          |
      |           |linker,        |      |                          |
      |           |class          |      |                          |
      |           |browser,       |      |                          |
      |           |debugger,      |      |                          |
      |           |etc...)  For   |      |                          |
      |           |Sun            |      |                          |
      |           |workstations.  |      |                          |
      |EC++       |Extended       |  PD  |?????                     |
      |           |C++.           |      |                          |
      |           |Language       |      |                          |
      |           |extension.     |      |                          |
      |           |(polymorphism, |      |                          |
      |           |exception      |      |                          |
      |           |handling,garbag|      |                          |
      |           |collector,     |      |                          |
      |           |etc...)        |      |                          |
      |ONTOS      |ONTOS is an    |from  |Ontologic Inc.  3         |
      |           |object-        |$695  |Burlington Woods          |
      |           |oriented       |to    |Burlington, MA 01803 Tel: |
      |           |database       |$15000|(617) 272-7110            |
      |           |written in     |      |                          |
      |           |C++. It        |      |                          |
      |           |comes with a   |      |                          |
      |           |Class          |      |                          |
      |           |library for    |      |                          |
      |           |accessing      |      |                          |
      |           |the            |      |                          |
      |           |database.      |      |                          |
      |           |For SUNs &     |      |                          |
      |           |APOLLOs.       |      |                          |
      |           |VAX,           |      |                          |
      |           |DECstation     |      |                          |
      |           |and OS/2       |      |                          |
      |           |expected.      |      |                          |

                            C++ Products List

      |C++ answer |Sources for    |  FW  |?????                     |
      |Book source|Tony           |      |                          |
      |           |Hansen's       |      |                          |
      |           |book.          |      |                          |
      |ET++       |Patches to     |  PD  |qed.rice.edu (|
      |patches    |make ET++      |      |in /pub/et++/et...        |
      |           |compile with   |      |                          |
      |           |g++.           |      |                          |
      |gdb        |the Gnu        |  GPL |Free Software Foundation  |
      |           |source level   |      |                          |
      |           |debugger.      |      |                          |
      |           |Allows to      |      |                          |
      |           |debug g++      |      |                          |
      |           |programs.      |      |                          |
      |SADE       |Very high      | $100 |Apple Inc.                |
      |           |level          |      |                          |
      |           |C++/C/Pascal   |      |                          |
      |           |debugger       |      |                          |
      |           |using a full   |      |                          |
      |           |windowing      |      |                          |
      |           |environment    |      |                          |
      |MacsBug    |low level      | Free |Apple Inc.                |
      |           |68xxx ASM      |      |                          |
      |           |debugger       |      |                          |
      |           |that groks     |      |                          |
      |           |C++            |      |                          |

comeau@utoday.UUCP (Greg Comeau) (01/03/90)

In article <154@design.axis.fr> jcc@design.axis.fr (Jean Christophe) writes:
>                            C++ Products List
>      |______________|___________|_____|__________________________|
>      |CC C++        |Comeau's   | From|Comeau Computing 81-34    |
>      |              |port of C++|$250 |120th street Richmond Hill|
>      |              |2.0 on     | to  |NY 11418 Tel: (718)       |
>      |              |286/386    |$1000|849-2355                  |
>      |              |boxes, AT&T|     |                          |
>      |              |Unix PC, 3B|     |                          |
>      |              |& 3B2.  DOS|     |                          |
>      |              |& OS/2     |     |                          |
>      |              |expected.  |     |                          |
>      |______________|___________|_____|__________________________|

For those concerned, please note those following * delimited

       |CC C++        |Comeau's   | From|Comeau Computing 81-34    |
       *                                                  91-34    * 
       |              |port of C++|$250 |120th street Richmond Hill|
       |              |2.0 on     | to  |NY 11418 Tel: (718)       |
       |              |286/386    |$1000|849-2355                  |
       |              |boxes, AT&T|     |                          |
       *               ALL 386 UNIX'es                             *
       |              |Unix PC, 3B|     |                          |
       *               AT&T UNIX PC 7300 & 3B1                     *
       |              |& 3B2.  DOS|     |                          |
       |              |& OS/2     |     |                          |
       |              |expected.  |     |                          |
       *               Comeau C++ 2.0 for DOS is being released    *
       *               this week... for OS/2 during January.       *

Greg, Comeau Computing, 91-34 120th Street, Richmond Hill, NY, 11418
Also, mag writer for UNIX Today! (SysAdm columnist), Microsoft Systems Journal
(C programming), + others. Also, BIX c.language & c.plus.plus conf. moderator.
Here:attmail!csanta!greg / BIX:comeau / CIS:72331, 3421 / voice:718-849-2355

jim@hcr.uucp (Jim Sullivan) (01/04/90)

In article <154@design.axis.fr> jcc@design.axis.fr (Jean Christophe) writes:
>                            C++ Products List
>       ______________________________________________________________
>      |                          Compilers                          |
>      |___________|_____________|________|__________________________|
>      |    Name   | Description |Price(1)|Distributor/where to get i|
>      |___________|_____________|________|__________________________|
>      |HCR C++    |HCR's port   |  $1000 |Human Computing Research  |
>      |           |of AT&T's    |        |Canada                    |
>      |           |cfront.      |        |                          |

Just a correction here.  The product name is HCR/C++.  The distributor

	HCR Corporation
	130 Bloor Street West
	Suite 1001
	Toronto, Ontario
	M5S 1N5
	Phone:	(416) 922 1937
	Fax:	(416) 922 8397

HCR/C++ is a complete port of AT&T's Cfront 2.0, including all libraries.
Included with HCR/C++ is dbXtra, HCR's windowing source-level debugger based
on dbx.  DbXtra is currently designed to support alphanumeric terminals.
An X Window version is planned for later this year.

Jim Sullivan
Product Manager - HCR/C++
HCR Corporation

jcc@design.axis.fr (Jean Christophe) (01/19/90)

Hi there,

Before going on (short) vacations, here is the now traditional list.
As usual you can print your own copy by running the command :

	tbl <c++list | troff -mm ....

As usual too, I'm also posting an ascii version of this list (but not very 
pretty :-).

So long,

-- "jessie"

---- CUT HERE ---- CUT HERE ---- CUT HERE ---- CUT HERE ---- CUT HERE ----
.ds S1 \v'-.4m'\s-2\&1\s0\v'.5m'
.ds S2 \v'-.4m'\s-2\&2\s0\v'.5m'
.PH ''C++\ Products\ List'Jan. 1990'
.PF ''''
Here is the latest list of currently available C++ products.
Heartfull thanks to all the people who sent me informations and/or
My intent is to keep this list alive. So if you know of a product that
is not in this list, please Email to me your informations, and I'll add it
to the next release of the list.
I'm very interested in mail and Email adresses that aren't in this
list. Every bit of information will be welcome!
About prices : be warned that this entry of the list is here just to give
an idea of what it *MAY* cost. Prices are frequently moving matter.
So if you're interested in a product, you'd better check with the
For now, my intent, if there are no objections against it, is to post an
update of this list once a month. This may well  answer some of the most
frequent questions on this newsgroup ('where can I get product xxx...?')!
I hope this will be usefull to you...
center, box;
l | l.
jcc@design.axis.fr	"An artificial intelligence is better than none !"
\&.!inria!axis!design!jcc	"Artificial intelligence matches natural stupidity !"
Collet jean-christophe	"Objets inanimes avez vous donc une ame ?"
Axis Design
135 rue d'aguesseau	<this space left intentionaly blank>
92100 Boulogne
Phone: +33 (1) 46 05 89 51
.FS 1
PD	means Public Domain (No restriction)
FW	means FreeWare (some restrictions)
GPL	means Gnu Public License (some restrictions)
prices may be wrong (they are here just to give an idea of what it may cost)
.FS 2
Prices for AT&T's sources may varie from $350 (for Universities)
up to $20.000. That is : check with AT&T!
expand, box;
cb s s s
cb | cb | cb | cb
l | l | c | l.
Name	Description	Price\*(S1	Distributor/where to get it
cfront 2.0	T{
AT&T's C++
translator 2.0
T}	variable\*(S2	AT&T (source distribution)
HCR/C++	T{
HCR's port of
AT&T's cfront 2.0 .
Plus a  source level
debugger (dbXtra) with
windowing features.
On 386 boxes
(SCO & Interactive)
T}	$1000	T{
HCR Corporation
130 Bloor Street West
Suite 1001
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1N5
Tel: (416) 922 1937
Fax: (416) 922 8397
g++ 1.36.1	T{
Gnu C++. This is
a real compiler
(it generates assembly
Free Software Foundation
675 Mass. Ave.
Cambridge, MA  02139, USA
Tel: +1 (617) 876-3296
MPW C++	T{
Apple's port of
cfront 2.0 to the
Mac. (You'll need
MPW C 3.0
to make this works)
T}	$175	Apple Corp.
Zortech C++	T{
C++ (2.0) for
MS-DOS (this is a
real compiler
plus a debugger
and a set of
T}	$450	T{
Zortech Inc.
1165 Massachusets Avenue
Arlington, MA, USA
Tel:(617) 646-6703
T}	T{
GlockenSpiel's port
of cfront 1.2
(2.0 expected soon)
for MS-DOS & OS/2
T}	??	T{
39 Lower Dominick Street
Dublin 1
Tel: +353 (1) 733166
Lattice C++	T{
Lattice's port of
cfront on the Amiga
T}	$375	Lattice (SAS)
expand, box;
cb s s s
cb | cb | cb | cb
l | l | c | l.
Compilers (continued)
Name	Description	Price	Distributor/where to get it
InTek C++	T{
cfront 1.2 on
386 boxes for
Dos & System V.
Uses extended
memory (2.0
expected soon)
T}	$495	T{
Integration Technologies, Inc (InTek)
1400 112th Ave. S.E. Suite 202
Bellevue WA 98004
Tel: +1 206 455 9935
Fax: +1 206 455 9934
Green Hills C++	T{
C++ native and Cross compiler
for 680x0 and 88000
T}	??	T{
230 Second Avenue
Waltham, MA 02154
Tel: (617) 890-7889
CC C++	T{
Comeau's port of C++ 2.0
on 286/386 boxes,
every 386 UNIXes,
AT&T Unix PC, 3B1 & 3B2,
DOS & OS/2.
T}	T{
T}	T{
Comeau Computing
91-34 120th street
Richmond Hill, NY 11418
Tel: (718) 849-2355
Oregon C++	T{
C++ true compiler
(2.0 without multiple inheritance)
plus a source level debugger
for SUN3, VAX , 386 & NCR tower
T}	??	T{
Oregon Software
6915 SW Macadam Suite 200
Portland, OR 97219 - 2397
Tel: (503) 245 8449
Email: \&...uunet!oresoft!support
Sun C++ 2.0	T{
Sun's port of cfront 2.0 
to SunOS 4.0 with
debugger and tool support,
with header files for standard
SunOS libraries including SunView.
For Sun-3, Sun-4/SPARC systems.
Tools include dbx,
profilers, yacc, lex,
nm, rpcgen.
T}	T{
T}	T{
Sun Microsystems Inc.
2550 Garcia Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94043
Tel: (415) 960-1300
expand, box;
cb s s s
cb | cb | cb | cb
l | l | c | l.
Name	Description	Price	Distributor/where to get it
InterViews 2.6	T{
C++ classes for X11
T}	PD	X11R4 distribution tape 
ET++	T{
C++ classes for X11.
seems to be a "MacApp"
for X11, SunWindows and
T}	PD	T{
ET++ is available from
( in the files 
CommonView	T{
C++ classes for
MS Windows & OS2/PM
T}	??	GlockenSpiel
NIHlib 2.204
(formerly OOPS)
T}	T{
C++ SmallTalk like classes.
Rewritten for C++ 2.0
T}	PD	T{
FTP from alw.nih.gov (
in file pub/nihcl-2.204.tar.Z
libg++ 1.36	T{
gnu g++ libraries
(iostreams, etc..)
T}	GPL	Free Software Foundation
Screens++	T{
classes for window
user interfaces for
Unix and MS-DOS.
T}	??	T{
ImageSoft Inc.
2 Haven Ave.
Port Washington, New York 11050
Tel: (516) 767-2233
Common Matrix	matrix stuff	??	ImageSoft Inc.
Rogue Wave	T{
C++ Vector and Matrix classes
T}	$150	T{
Rogue Wave Associates
P.O. Box 85341
Seattle, WA 98145
Tel: (206) 523-5831
MacApp 2.0	T{
object pascal classes
for writing MacIntosh
applications (freely
useable with C++)
T}	$250	Apple Corp.
expand, box;
cb s s s
cb | cb | cb | cb
l | l | c | l.
Name	Description	Price	Distributor/where to get it
ObjectWorks	T{
software application
development system
for C++ 2.0
(incremental compiler &
linker, class browser,
debugger, etc...)
For Sun workstations.
T}	$2.495	T{
ParcPlace Systems, Inc.
1550 Plymouth Road
Mountain View, CA 94043 (USA)
Tel: (415) 691-6700
EC++	T{
Extended C++.
Language extension.
(polymorphism, exception
collector, etc...)
T}	PD	?????
ONTOS is an object-oriented database
written in C++. It comes with a class
library to access the database.
For Suns & Apollos.
Vax, DECstation and OS/2 expected.
T}	T{
T}	T{
Ontologic Inc.
3 Burlington Woods
Burlington, MA 01803
Tel: (617) 272-7110
C++ answer
Book sources
T}	T{
Sources for Tony Hansen's
T}	FW	?????
ET++ patches	T{
Patches to make
ET++ compile 
with g++.
T}	PD	T{
qed.rice.edu ( in
gdb	T{
the Gnu source level 
debugger. Allows to
debug g++ programs.
T}	GPL	Free Software Foundation
Very high level C++/C/Pascal
debugger using a full
windowing environment.
For the MacIntosh
T}	$100	Apple Inc.
MacsBug	T{
low level 68xxx
ASM debugger that
groks C++. For the Mac
T}	Free	Apple Inc.

jcc@design.axis.fr (Jean Christophe) (01/19/90)

			    C++	Products List		Jan. 1990

       Here is the latest list of currently available C++ products.
       Heartfull thanks	to all the people who sent me informations
       and/or corrections.

       My intent is to keep this list alive. So	if you know of a
       product that is not in this list, please	Email to me your
       informations, and I'll add it to	the next release of the

       I'm very	interested in mail and Email adresses that aren't
       in this list. Every bit of information will be welcome!

       About prices : be warned	that this entry	of the list is here
       just to give an idea of what it *MAY* cost. Prices are
       frequently moving matter.  So if	you're interested in a
       product,	you'd better check with	the distributor...

       For now,	my intent, if there are	no objections against it,
       is to post an update of this list once a	month. This may
       well  answer some of the	most frequent questions	on this
       newsgroup ('where can I get product xxx...?')!

       I hope this will	be usefull to you...


jcc@design.axis.fr     | "An artificial intelligence is better than none !"
.!inria!axis!design!jcc| "Artificial intelligence matches natural stupidity !"
Collet jean-christophe | "Objets inanimes avez vous donc une ame ?"
	Axis Design         |
	135 rue d'aguesseau |       <this space left intentionaly blank>
	92100 Boulogne      |
	France              |
 Phone: +33 (1) 46 05 89 51 |

			    C++	Products List		Jan. 1990

      |				 Compilers			    |
      |	   Name	  | Description	|Price(1)|Distributor/where to get i|
      |cfront 2.0 |AT&T's C++	|variable|AT&T (source distribution)|
      |		  |translator	|  (2)	 |			    |
      |		  |2.0		|	 |			    |
      |HCR/C++	  |HCR's port	|  $1000 |HCR Corporation	    |
      |		  |of AT&T's	|	 |130 Bloor Street West	    |
      |		  |cfront 2.0 .	|	 |Suite	1001		    |
      |		  |Plus	a	|	 |Toronto, Ontario	    |
      |		  |source level	|	 |M5S 1N5		    |
      |		  |debugger	|	 |Tel: (416) 922 1937	    |
      |		  |(dbXtra)	|	 |Fax: (416) 922 8397	    |
      |		  |with	window-	|	 |			    |
      |		  |ing		|	 |			    |
      |		  |features.	|	 |			    |
      |		  |On 386 boxes	|	 |			    |
      |		  |(SCO	& In-	|	 |			    |
      |		  |teractive)	|	 |			    |
      |g++ 1.36.1 |Gnu C++.	|   GPL	 |Free Software	Foundation  |
      |		  |This	is a	|	 |675 Mass. Ave.	    |
      |		  |real	com-	|	 |Cambridge, MA	 02139,	USA |
      |		  |piler (it	|	 |Tel: +1 (617)	876-3296    |
      |		  |generates	|	 |			    |
      |		  |assembly	|	 |			    |
      |		  |code)	|	 |			    |
      |MPW C++	  |Apple's port	|  $175	 |Apple	Corp.		    |
      |		  |of cfront	|	 |			    |
      |		  |2.0 to the	|	 |			    |
      |		  |Mac.	(You'll	|	 |			    |
      |		  |need	MPW C	|	 |			    |


	 1 PD	   means Public	Domain (No restriction)
	   FW	   means FreeWare (some	restrictions)
	   GPL	   means Gnu Public License (some restrictions)
	   prices may be wrong (they are here just to give an idea
	   of what it may cost)

	 2 Prices for AT&T's sources may varie from $350 (for
	   Universities) up to $20.000.	That is	: check	with AT&T!

			    C++	Products List		Jan. 1990

      |		  |3.0 to make	|	 |			    |
      |		  |this	works)	|	 |			    |
      |Zortech C++|C++ (2.0)	|  $450	 |Zortech Inc.		    |
      |		  |for MS-DOS	|	 |1165 Massachusets Avenue  |
      |		  |(this is a	|	 |Arlington, MA, USA	    |
      |		  |real	com-	|	 |Tel:(617) 646-6703	    |
      |		  |piler plus a	|	 |			    |
      |		  |debugger and	|	 |			    |
      |		  |a set of	|	 |			    |
      |		  |classes)	|	 |			    |
      |GlockenSpie|GlockenSpiel'|   ??	 |GlockenSpiel		    |
      |C++	  |port	of	|	 |39 Lower Dominick Street  |
      |		  |cfront 1.2	|	 |Dublin 1		    |
      |		  |(2.0	expect-	|	 |Ireland		    |
      |		  |ed soon) for	|	 |Tel: +353 (1)	733166	    |
      |		  |MS-DOS &	|	 |			    |
      |		  |OS/2		|	 |			    |
      |Lattice C++|Lattice's	|  $375	 |Lattice (SAS)		    |
      |		  |port	of	|	 |			    |
      |		  |cfront on	|	 |			    |
      |		  |the Amiga	|	 |			    |

			    C++	Products List		Jan. 1990

      |			  Compilers (continued)			  |
      |	    Name     |Description|Price|Distributor/where to get i|
      |InTek C++     |cfront 1.2 | $495|Integration Technologies, |
      |		     |on 386 boxe|     |Inc (InTek)		  |
      |		     |for Dos &	 |     |1400 112th Ave.	S.E. Suite|
      |		     |System V.	 |     |202			  |
      |		     |Uses	 |     |Bellevue WA 98004	  |
      |		     |extended	 |     |Tel: +1	206 455	9935	  |
      |		     |memory (2.0|     |Fax: +1	206 455	9934	  |
      |		     |expected	 |     |			  |
      |		     |soon)	 |     |			  |
      |Green Hills C+|C++ native |  ?? |Oasys			  |
      |		     |and Cross	 |     |230 Second Avenue	  |
      |		     |compiler fo|     |Waltham, MA 02154	  |
      |		     |680x0 and	 |     |Tel: (617) 890-7889	  |
      |		     |88000	 |     |			  |
      |CC C++	     |Comeau's	 | From|Comeau Computing	  |
      |		     |port of C++|$250 |91-34 120th street	  |
      |		     |2.0 on	 | to  |Richmond Hill, NY 11418	  |
      |		     |286/386	 |$1000|Tel: (718) 849-2355	  |
      |		     |boxes, ever|     |			  |
      |		     |386 UNIXes,|     |			  |
      |		     |AT&T Unix	 |     |			  |
      |		     |PC, 3B1 &	 |     |			  |
      |		     |3B2, DOS & |     |			  |
      |		     |OS/2.	 |     |			  |
      |Oregon C++    |C++ true	 |  ?? |Oregon Software		  |
      |		     |compiler	 |     |6915 SW	Macadam	Suite 200 |
      |		     |(2.0 withou|     |Portland, OR 97219 - 2397 |
      |		     |multiple	 |     |Tel: (503) 245 8449	  |
      |		     |inheritance|     |Email:			  |
      |		     |plus a	 |     |...uunet!oresoft!support  |
      |		     |source leve|     |			  |
      |		     |debugger fo|     |			  |
      |		     |SUN3, VAX	,|     |			  |
      |		     |386 & NCR	 |     |			  |
      |		     |tower	 |     |			  |
      |Sun C++ 2.0   |Sun's port | From|Sun Microsystems Inc.	  |
      |		     |of cfront	 |$1200|2550 Garcia Avenue	  |
      |		     |2.0 to SunO|     |Mountain View, CA 94043	  |
      |		     |4.0 with	 |     |Tel: (415) 960-1300	  |
      |		     |debugger an|     |			  |

			    C++	Products List		Jan. 1990

      |		     |tool	 |     |			  |
      |		     |support,	 |     |			  |
      |		     |with header|     |			  |
      |		     |files for	 |     |			  |
      |		     |standard	 |     |			  |
      |		     |SunOS	 |     |			  |
      |		     |libraries	 |     |			  |
      |		     |including	 |     |			  |
      |		     |SunView.	 |     |			  |
      |		     |For Sun-3, |     |			  |
      |		     |Sun-4/SPARC|     |			  |
      |		     |systems.	 |     |			  |
      |		     |Tools	 |     |			  |
      |		     |include dbx|     |			  |
      |		     |profilers, |     |			  |
      |		     |yacc, lex, |     |			  |
      |		     |nm, rpcgen.|     |			  |

			    C++	Products List		Jan. 1990

      |				Libraries			  |
      |	    Name    | Description|Pric|	Distributor/where to get i|
      |InterViews   | C++ classes| PD |	X11R4 distribution tape	  |
      |2.6	    | for X11	 |    |				  |
      |ET++	    | C++ classes| PD |	ET++ is	available from	  |
      |		    | for X11.	 |    |	cayuga.cs.rochester.edu	  |
      |		    | seems to be|    |	( in the file|
      |		    | a	"MacApp" |    |	pub/et++-1.0.tar.Z[1234]. |
      |		    | for X11,	 |    |				  |
      |		    | SunWindows |    |				  |
      |		    | and NeWS	 |    |				  |
      |CommonView   | C++ classes| ?? |	GlockenSpiel		  |
      |		    | for MS	 |    |				  |
      |		    | Windows &	 |    |				  |
      |		    | OS2/PM	 |    |				  |
      |NIHlib 2.204 | C++	 | PD |	FTP from alw.nih.gov	  |
      |(formerly    | SmallTalk	 |    |	( in file |
      |OOPS)	    | like	 |    |	pub/nihcl-2.204.tar.Z	  |
      |		    | classes.	 |    |				  |
      |		    | Rewritten	 |    |				  |
      |		    | for C++ 2.0|    |				  |
      |libg++ 1.36  | gnu g++	 | GPL|	Free Software Foundation  |
      |		    | libraries	 |    |				  |
      |		    | (iostreams,|    |				  |
      |		    | etc..)	 |    |				  |
      |Screens++    | classes for| ?? |	ImageSoft Inc.		  |
      |		    | window user|    |	2 Haven	Ave.		  |
      |		    | interfaces |    |	Port Washington, New York |
      |		    | for Unix an|    |	11050			  |
      |		    | MS-DOS.	 |    |	Tel: (516) 767-2233	  |
      |Common Matrix| matrix stuf| ?? |	ImageSoft Inc.		  |
      |Rogue Wave   | C++ Vector |$150|	Rogue Wave Associates	  |
      |		    | and Matrix |    |	P.O. Box 85341		  |
      |		    | classes	 |    |	Seattle, WA 98145	  |
      |		    |		 |    |	Tel: (206) 523-5831	  |
      |MacApp 2.0   | object	 |$250|	Apple Corp.		  |
      |		    | pascal	 |    |				  |
      |		    | classes for|    |				  |

			    C++	Products List		Jan. 1990

      |		    | writing	 |    |				  |
      |		    | MacIntosh	 |    |				  |
      |		    | application|    |				  |
      |		    | (freely	 |    |				  |
      |		    | useable wit|    |				  |
      |		    | C++)	 |    |				  |

			    C++	Products List		Jan. 1990

      |				   Misc.			    |
      |	   Name	  |  Description  | Price|Distributor/where to get i|
      |ObjectWorks|software	  |$2.495|ParcPlace Systems, Inc.   |
      |		  |application	  |	 |1550 Plymouth	Road	    |
      |		  |development	  |	 |Mountain View, CA 94043   |
      |		  |system for	  |	 |(USA)			    |
      |		  |C++ 2.0	  |	 |Tel: (415) 691-6700	    |
      |		  |(incremental	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |compiler &	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |linker,	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |class	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |browser,	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |debugger,	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |etc...)  For	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |Sun		  |	 |			    |
      |		  |workstations.  |	 |			    |
      |EC++	  |Extended	  |  PD	 |?????			    |
      |		  |C++.		  |	 |			    |
      |		  |Language	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |extension.	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |(polymorphism, |	 |			    |
      |		  |exception	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |handling,garbag|	 |			    |
      |		  |collector,	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |etc...)	  |	 |			    |
      |ONTOS	  |ONTOS is an	  |From	 |Ontologic Inc.	    |
      |		  |object-	  |$695	 |3 Burlington Woods	    |
      |		  |oriented	  |to	 |Burlington, MA 01803	    |
      |		  |database	  |$15000|Tel: (617) 272-7110	    |
      |		  |written in	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |C++.	It	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |comes with a	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |class	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |library to	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |access the	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |database.	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |For Suns &	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |Apollos.	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |Vax,		  |	 |			    |
      |		  |DECstation	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |and OS/2	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |expected.	  |	 |			    |
      |C++ answer |Sources for	  |  FW	 |?????			    |

			    C++	Products List		Jan. 1990

      |Book source|Tony		  |	 |			    |
      |		  |Hansen's	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |book.	  |	 |			    |
      |ET++ patche|Patches to	  |  PD	 |qed.rice.edu (|
      |		  |make	ET++	  |	 |in /pub/et++/et...	    |
      |		  |compile with	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |g++.		  |	 |			    |
      |gdb	  |the Gnu	  |  GPL |Free Software	Foundation  |
      |		  |source level	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |debugger.	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |Allows to	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |debug g++	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |programs.	  |	 |			    |
      |SADE	  |Very	high	  | $100 |Apple	Inc.		    |
      |		  |level	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |C++/C/Pascal	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |debugger	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |using a full	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |windowing	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |environment.	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |For the	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |MacIntosh	  |	 |			    |
      |MacsBug	  |low level	  | Free |Apple	Inc.		    |
      |		  |68xxx ASM	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |debugger	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |that	groks	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |C++.	For the	  |	 |			    |
      |		  |Mac		  |	 |			    |