[comp.lang.c++] Does C++ deserve its name? Also: Books

david@ics.ics.COM (David B. Lewis) (01/19/90)

Certainly -- isn't it double-plus good?

Do people have opinions on the new Dewey/Starkhurst book (or other books) as a good tutorial and pseudo-reference manual for C programmers? (Sorry if I've
missed early reviews; replies by email would be much appreciated.)

David B. Lewis  david@ics.com  david%ics.UUCP@bu.edu  ...!uunet!ics.com!david

Any given program, when running correctly, is obsolete.

drs@bnlux0.bnl.gov (David R. Stampf) (01/20/90)

In article <1990Jan19.153233.27884@ICS.COM> david@ics.ics.COM (David B. Lewis) writes:
>Do people have opinions on the new Dewey/Starkhurst book (or other books)
>as a good tutorial and pseudo-reference manual for C programmers? 

	I think the book is a wonderful tutorial (even for self teaching) but
it is a rather poor reference -- no table of operator precedence for example.
I'll be teaching a C++ course here in a couple of months, and I will use that
book and Bjarne's for a reference work.

	< dave