[comp.lang.c++] Use of class/struct/union tags within member function headers

rfg@paris.ics.uci.edu (Ron Guilmette) (01/21/90)

// g++ (1.36.1) recognizes the name of a containing class within
// the header of a member function declaration or definition,
// but only sometimes.

// In the following example, the class tag `c0' is unrecognized within
// the sizeof().

// Curiously enough, Cfront 2.0 seems to have trouble with all three
// occurances of the class name in the member function header, but
// it seems only able to issue two error messages about these three
// occurances no matter what.

// Are any of these three uses of `c0' legal?  If so, which ones?
// Do Cfront 2.0 and/or g++ 1.36.1 have bugs?

class c0 {

    c0 member_function (c0 arg1, int arg2 = sizeof (c0)) { }