[comp.lang.c++] Constant Question

rbogen%dreams@Sun.COM (Richard Bogen) (01/16/90)

The definition of a constant is an identifier whose
associated value cannot be modified (even through pointers).
Yet when the following program is run the value printed is 0.0.
Can anyone give me a "pointer" to what is happening here?

 const float PI = 3.14159;
 float *const ptr = Π
 *ptr = 0.0;
 printf("%PI = %f\n",PI);

peter@mit-amt.MEDIA.MIT.EDU (Peter Schroeder) (01/16/90)

In article <130286@sun.Eng.Sun.COM>
rbogen%dreams@Sun.COM (Richard Bogen) writes:
>The definition of a constant is an identifier whose
>associated value cannot be modified (even through pointers).
>Yet when the following program is run the value printed is 0.0.
>Can anyone give me a "pointer" to what is happening here?
> const float PI = 3.14159;
> float *const ptr = &PI;
> *ptr = 0.0;
> printf("%PI = %f\n",PI);

What you declared is not a pointer to a const, but a const pointer. Hence
you can not assign to the this const pointer another address, but you can
modify what it points to.

What you want is:
 const float PI = 3.14159;
 const float *ptr = &PI;
 *ptr = 0.0; // error
 printf("%PI = %f\n",PI);


vsh@etnibsd.UUCP (Steve Harris) (01/20/90)

In article <1405@mit-amt.MEDIA.MIT.EDU> peter@media-lab.media.mit.edu (Peter Schroeder) writes:
 > In article <130286@sun.Eng.Sun.COM> rbogen%dreams@Sun.COM (Richard Bogen) writes:
 > > The definition of a constant is an identifier whose
 > > associated value cannot be modified (even through pointers).
 > > Yet when the following program is run the value printed is 0.0.
 > > Can anyone give me a "pointer" to what is happening here?
 > > 
 > > main()
 > > {
 > >  const float PI = 3.14159;
 > >  float *const ptr = &PI;
 > >  *ptr = 0.0;
 > >  printf("%PI = %f\n",PI);
 > > }
 > What you declared is not a pointer to a const, but a const pointer. Hence
 > you can not assign to the this const pointer another address, but you can
 > modify what it points to.
 > What you want is:
 > main()
 > {
 >  const float PI = 3.14159;
 >  const float *ptr = &PI;
 >  *ptr = 0.0; // error
 >  printf("%PI = %f\n",PI);
 > }
 > Peter
 > peter@media-lab.media.mit.edu


Peter corrected the code, but didn't answer the question!

Isn't the real problem in line 2, not line 3?

Clearly, ptr is a const pointer to a (variable) float.  The pointer is
constant, but the thing pointed to is modifyable.

In line 2, you declare this pointer and initialize it to point to PI.
However, PI is a const float, not modifyable.

Shouldn't the compiler refuse to allow you to initalize (or assign) a
pointer (const or otherwise) to a const float?

Shouldn't the compiler insist that the pointer be of type "const float *"?

My g++ generates a warning at line 2, and creates a second object for ptr
to point to, so PI remains unchanged and *ptr is initalized to 3.14159 but
then is changed to 0.0.

Steve Harris - Eaton Corp. - Beverly, MA - uunet!etnibsd!vsh

peter@mit-amt.MEDIA.MIT.EDU (Peter Schroeder) (01/24/90)

Reply-To: peter@media-lab.media.mit.edu (Peter Schroeder)
Organization: MIT Media Lab, Cambridge MA
Keywords: const

Ok, I'll bite my tongue off...

In article <1103@etnibsd.UUCP> vsh@etnibsd.UUCP (Steve Harris) writes:
>In article <1405@mit-amt.MEDIA.MIT.EDU>
peter@media-lab.media.mit.edu (Peter Schroeder) writes:
>>In article <130286@sun.Eng.Sun.COM> rbogen%dreams@Sun.COM
(Richard Bogen) writes:
     const float PI = 3.14159;
     float *const ptr = &PI;
     *ptr = 0.0;
     printf("%PI = %f\n",PI);
[some smart comments of mine]

    const float PI = 3.14159;
    const float *ptr = &PI;
    *ptr = 0.0; // error
    printf("%PI = %f\n",PI);

>Peter corrected the code, but didn't answer the question!

Well, umh, ...

So, I just ran this through cfront 2.0 with

	float *const ptr = &PI;

I do not get a complaint and it prints 0.0. Now that is a bug as far as
I am concerned.

If I write

	float *ptr = &PI;

the compiler complains (rightly so).

>My g++ generates a warning at line 2, and creates a second object for ptr
>to point to, so PI remains unchanged and *ptr is initalized to 3.14159 but
>then is changed to 0.0.

I am not sure I would like that, at least not without a warning about using
an intermediate.
