[comp.lang.c++] ATT C++ on IBM RT AIX?

newton@cs.utexas.edu (Peter Newton) (01/24/90)

Recently, I received some literature from AT&T stating that C++
release 2.0 has been successfully ported to the IBM RT.  It is
not clear that AT&T directly supports this port.

Is anyone out there using AT&T C++ (or any other) on the IBM RT?
If so, what OS are you running.  I am particularly interested in
AIX 2.2.1.

Thank you.
Peter Newton
Computer Sciences, TAY 2.124       (512) 471-9735
University of Texas at Austin      newton@cs.utexas.edu
Austin, TX  78712-1188          ...{uunet|gatech|ames}!cs.utexas.edu!newton