[comp.lang.c++] C++ and SunView

cs00wsc@unccvax.UUCP (Shiang Chin) (01/23/90)

I have a problem when I create applications using
C++ and SunView. For example, If I define a class:

    Class A:
          int a;
          m1() { printf("%d\n",a);};

and create a window with some command buttons by using SunView
library. I assigned the method 'a()' to one of the command
button as a called back notify procedure. 
Assumming the value stored in the variable 'a' now
is 100, when I clicked the mouse on that command button the
value printed out should be '100', but the value I
got was not correct. After many tries, I defined a global
     A* x;

and then redefined the class definition:

    Class A:
           int a;
          A() { x = this;};
          m1() {printf("%d\n",x->a);};

Finally, I got the right value.
Does any one know why?
Thanx a lot.

Wen S. Chin at UNC Charlotte

dog@cbnewsl.ATT.COM (edward.n.schiebel) (01/25/90)

From article <1804@unccvax.UUCP>, by cs00wsc@unccvax.UUCP (Shiang Chin):
> I have a problem when I create applications using
> C++ and SunView. For example, If I define a class:
> [Class A with member function int a(); declared ]
> and create a window with some command buttons by using SunView
> library. I assigned the method 'a()' to one of the command
> button as a called back notify procedure. 
You cannot do this.  When SunView calls (), it does not know
what A to call it with.  Remember, a() as a member function is called
as anA.a().  SunView is passing its own parameters in (I think a
notify procedure is called with a Panel_item and an Event*).

> Assumming the value stored in the variable 'a' now
> is 100, when I clicked the mouse on that command button the
> value printed out should be '100', but the value I
> got was not correct. 
It guess was just (a lack of) luck that the program didn't core dump.
When SunView called a(), there is no 'this'.

> Wen S. Chin at UNC Charlotte

	Ed Schiebel
	AT&T Bell Laboratories