[comp.lang.c++] C++ from Microsoft???

880716a@aucs.uucp (Dave Astels) (01/25/90)

Does anyone have recent information regarding the possible release of a
C++ product from Microsoft??  I saw mention that they were developing
one in a recent Dr. Dobbs.


- Dave

Internet: 880716a@AcadiaU.CA
Bitnet:   880716a@Acadia

rodentia@legs.UUCP (Tom Roden) (02/02/90)

in article <2311@dataio.Data-IO.COM>, bright@Data-IO.COM (Walter Bright) says:
> <According to a person from Borland at the SCOOP-West conference last week, 
> <Microsoft is far from ready to release a C++ compiler.
> Please don't post obvious propaganda like this. Let's stick to facts rather
> than marketing hearsay.

     What's that?  Marketing heresy?  ;-{)}

Thomas A. Roden                     uucp:      ...!uunet!ccicpg!legs!rodentia
AST Research Inc. Dept 659          
P.O. Box 19658                      Voice:     (714) 727-8611
Irvine, CA  92713-9658              Fax:       (714) 727-9358
Thomas A. Roden                     uucp:      ...!uunet!ccicpg!legs!rodentia
AST Research Inc. Dept 659          
P.O. Box 19658                      Voice:     (714) 727-8611
Irvine, CA  92713-9658              Fax:       (714) 727-9358