[comp.lang.c++] Any real evidence of OOP benefits

fst@gtenmc.UUCP (Fariborz "Skip" Tavakkolian) (02/02/90)

In article <NEATH.90Jan30132522@solar-1.stars.flab.Fujitsu.JUNET> neath@solar-1.stars.flab.Fujitsu.JUNET writes:
>In article <25C3AC55.8379@paris.ics.uci.edu> crane@paris.ics.uci.edu (Steven N. Crane) writes:
>   >> Everyone's  heard of  the alleged benefits of object-oriented programming
>   >> (improvements in reusability, productivity, buglessness, maintainability,
>   >> etc.).
>The 1988  USENIX C++ Conference Proceedings contain  a   paper entitled, "A C++
>Interpreter for  Scheme" by Russo and Kaplan  of the University of Illinois  at
>Urbana-Champaign. In it, they  discuss their  experiences in rewriting a Scheme
From the USENIX C++ conference proceedings: (SKIP)
>  "We found that the C++ version is more modular, more easily extended, more
>   reliable, and faster.  Object-oriented programming is  well known for its
>   improvement to program structure, but programming mythology suggests that
>   there is a performance price to be paid for this improvement. Our results
>   debunk this myth."
>Martin Neath (neath@dsg.ti.com)

I recently talked with George Carrette the author of the ``Scheme In One
Defun'' in C (SIOD) about the latest release of SIOD and the C++ implementation
question came up.  As of that time (about 2 or 3 weeks ago) he had not received
the C++ version from the developers as they had apparently promised.

I would be very interested in seening the C++ implementation of SIOD.
Mr. Carrette has made SIOD in C copyrighted a la X (i.e. copy, distribute
with no restrictions, and leave the copyright where it is).  Therefore, it
should be possible to post the C++ implementation of SIOD (or make it accessible
through UUNET, etc).

Since this particular article seems to have attracted the most attention as
the decisive example of performance gain in using C++, it would be a great
service to the C++ community to release the sources to this implementation.

Perhaps the original author of SIOD and the authors of the C++ implementation
care to comment.



Fariborz "Skip" Tavakkolian  -of-  Automated Cellular Engineering
Currently consulting         -at-  GTE Telecom, Inc. Bothell, Wa
Mail:                              tiny1!fst@mcgp1  -or-  fst@gtenmc