[comp.lang.c++] GNU vs AT&T 2.0, ParcPlace

howard@aic.dpl.scg.hac.com (Mike Howard (213)317-5690) (02/02/90)

In article <779@laic.UUCP> toomey%nova@STC.LOCKHEED.COM (Chris Toomey) writes:
>Also, I saw a demo of ParcPlace's ObjectWorks for C++ and it looked really
>good.  What are people's opinions of it who use it on a regular basis?  Is it
>as valuable as it appears?  How solid is it?

ParcPlace has a wonderful environment if you've got a sun3 with >20MB RAM!
Funny thing, they don't advertise that small point.  I just got through
a battle to get my sun3's upgraded to 8MB each so I could run SunOS 4.0.
When I told my boss I needed 16MB more minimum to run C++, he said to
find another C++!  The compiler works fine, but the one time I tried to
crank up the great environment it took at least a minute per mouse click
to update the screen.

The sun4 version is coming out in April or so, and most sun4s have more
RAM than sun3s, so I will be much happier then.

By the way, documentation on the ParcPlace product is very sparce.  Also,
if you want price cuts for several copies, don't count on more than 5 or
10% off their stiff $2500 price per copy.  Look before you leap!

Mike Howard, howard@aic.hrl.hac.com