[comp.lang.c++] Dewey/Starkhurst book?

jlk@daimi.dk (02/02/90)

I have seen references to a new C++ book by Dewey&Starkhurst (no title, no
publisher).  I haven't been able to track it from ano publisher.

I have somewhat of a suspicion, that the book is identical to the
Dewhurst&Stark book: "Programming in C++".  Could any of you correct me on
that, and inform me about title and publisher of the other book.

BTW:  Does any of you have any comments on which of these books are the "best"
(if there in fact are two books), and any comments/comparisins with the Lippman

Please respond through e-mail, since I am not regularily reading this

Thanks in advance.
   Jorgen Lindskov Knudsen / jlknudsen@daimi.dk
   Computer Science Department, Aarhus University
   Ny Munkegade 116, DK-8000 Aarhus C, DENMARK
   Phone: +45 86 12 71 88 / telefax: +45 86 13 57 25 / telex: 64767 aausci dk