[comp.lang.c++] Can cfront 2.0 output be ported to a c-only system?

mull@hri.uucp (02/03/90)

We would like to do software development on Sun SparcStations using Sun's
C++ 2.0 and then port our product to systems which only have a c compiler.

We ran a test to see if this was feasable using a simple little program
that did not reference the class libraries.  We translated the C++ program
to C using the +i option of the CC compiler.  Then, to simulate the target
system, we compiled and linked with cc.  The link failed because it could
not find the C++ library files "_main" and "__nw__FUi".  What a bumber!
We think we can eliminate the "__nw__FUi" by overloading the new operator,
but "_main" has us stumped.

Does anyone have any cute hacks to get this to work?

Are there any other library functions that might get referenced implicitly?

Did AT&T consider the possibility that people might want to do cross development
and do they have an elegant and hopefully inexpensive solution?

Thanks for any help you can send.

              mull@hri.uucp   or   hri!mull@BBN.COM