[comp.lang.c++] Designing an object-oriented op

gillies@p.cs.uiuc.edu (02/09/90)

There are several other tech reports about CHOICES, the multiprocessor
OS written in C++.  The list of technical publications is available
through anonymous ftp on the arpanet:

	ftp a.cs.uiuc.edu

or send email to erna Amerman (erna@a.cs.uiuc.edu or !uiucdcs!erna)
Subject to exhaustion of on-hand supplies, write to

	Dept of Computer Science
	Room 240 DCL
	1304 West Springfield
	Urbana, ILL 61801

to get reports.  All reports (older than a few months) are also
available at a nominal charge from

	Engineering Documents Center
	University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
	1308 W. Green Street
	Urbana, Ill 61801