[comp.lang.c++] Any real evidence for OOP benefits?

UH2@psuvm.psu.edu (Lee Sailer) (02/03/90)

In a previous post on this thread, Dan Weinreb describes the typical
empirical research design for testing the benefits of OOP, create
matched groups of programmers and give them projects of significant size.
As he points out, it is very expensive to do this type of study.

Nonetheless, such studies have been done on other similar topics, usually
using volunteers donated by local industry.  So for example if every
company in Silicon Valley would donate one programmer for a week (not
too burdensome per company, I think) then some researchers could create
a project, collect the data, subject it to the usual statistical hocus
pocus, and get tenure.

On the other hand, since this isn't going to happen anytime soon, what are
the alternatives.  One is to use cheaper programmers (students, usually) and
smaller projects.  Another is to wait and let the market do the experiment.
OOEs (Object oriented enterprises) might blow the rest away.

Third, is to admit that the empirical approach is beyond our reach, and
thus rely on the perhaps inferior but best remaining technique, rationalism.

Weinreb says that he can tell OOP feels really powerful to him.  I have
the same feelings.  So do lots of folks.  A few, but not many, people
who have learned OOP and used it to write programs don't feel the same
way.  This is empirical evidence of an indirect nature, but empirical
evidence nonetheless.

In short, the only evidence for or against OOP that most of us can
afford is the opinions of the best minds we can find.  Isn't this
(gasp) Pournelle's Rule---find a person you think you can trust, and
then do what he or she tells you?

horstman@sjsumcs.sjsu.edu (Cay Horstmann) (02/04/90)

What is the alternative to OOP? Deliberately NOT using OO techniques?
Oops, that struct over there looks too much like an object. Better rewrite
that code...

OO is a technique, not a religion. It is one tool in the toolkit of the
enlightened programmer who is going to use it when it is appropriate. 
To come up with a dumb analogy, it is like recursion. Sometimes it works
great, sometimes not. Have you seen people run seminars on the weighty
question whether the benefits of recursion can be measured?

Ok, now suppose we do "measure" the benefits. We teach one group of
programmers about OOP, when it is useful and when not. And then we have
them and a control group work on a problem. How can we insure against
the fact that the people who didn't flunk out of the OOP course are
probably smarter/more alert than the control group? At any rate those
people will have had some extra mental stimulation just before they
started the project. What kind of project will be selected? It would be
interesting to select one where OO techniques could have no earthly 
significance, but who is going to do that? No, they'll pick some project
where OO will probably make some difference. And, SURPRISE, the OO group
will be the better one. 

That is the kind of stuff I could get tenure for.


gillies@p.cs.uiuc.edu (02/07/90)

Here's the only reference about code size I know of.

Eric Harslem and Leroy E. Nelson, "A Retrospective on the Development
of Star".  Proceedings of the 6th international conference on software
engineering, 1982 September, tokyo japan.

Also available in "Office System Technology -- A look into the World
of the Xerox 8000 Series Products:  Workstations, Services, Ethernet,
and Software Development", pp 261-267.  [Available from Xerox Corp,
3333 Coyote Road, Palo Alto  CA]

Since this paper is hard to get, here are the two main quotes.

...About one fifth of Star was working by the time it was determined
that a subclassing mechanism would be needed to complete the system.
Such a mechanism was subsequently designed and implemented [Curry82].
The existing Star code was converted to use this new mechanism in
several places.

...The barchart below shows the size of the operational corpus of Star
code over the period of its development.  A plot of functionality
would have roughtly the same (y=x/2 - ed) shape.  Star actually shrank
during the conversion to the subclassing mechanism.

Quarter		Code size
1		25k
2		46k
3		55k
4		70k
5		70k
6		60k		<- shrink
7		70k
8		75k
9		80k
10		100k
11		125k
12		140k
13		150k
14		175k
15		185k
16		200k
17		240k
18		250k

These people were using a Pascal-like language, and coding conventions
to implement subclassing.  The multiple-inheritance subclassing
mechanism was called "Traits" and is documented in

Gael A. Curry, Robert M. Ayers, "Experience with Traits in the Xerox
Star Workstation", IEEE Trans. on SOft. Engineering, Vol SE-10, Sept
84, pp 519-527.

Here is the most interesting quote from that article.

"In 1982 an analysis of the OS3 Star traits graph was performed in
order to see how multiple subclassing was being used.

  In the traits graph which was examined, there were 168 separate
traits (including all of the structure discussed in Section III).
Although, as noted earlier, many of the classes used multiple
subclassing, very few used multiple subclassing in an intrinsic or
unavoidable way; minor rearrangements of the traits graph, not costly
either in program logic or in class data space, could eliminate the
multiple inherence [yielding single inheritance - don].

  The notable exception was the trait structure used to define tables
(see Figs 13 and 14).  The tables implementation used
multiple-subclassing extensively.  An examination showed that it was
intrinsic subclassing that could only be eliminated by a basic
redesign.  Interestingly, the tables facility was developed late in
the Star project, and its designer was very familiar with the traits

  This analysis suggested two things.  First, despite the historical
evolution of the system, which has embraced multiple-component
subclassing, it would be possible to do an after-the-fact
restructuring and "retrat" to single-component subclassing.  Second,
it was possible that the design benefits of traits were lost because
the designers, not having worked with them in the past, structured
their implementations along better-understood single-component lines."

jimad@microsoft.UUCP (JAMES ADCOCK) (02/10/90)

In article <1990Jan31.053709.5741@odi.com> dlw@odi.com writes:
>In article <25C3AC55.8379@paris.ics.uci.edu> crane@paris.ics.uci.edu (Steven N. Crane) writes:
>   Everyone's heard of the alleged benefits of object-oriented
>   programming (improvements in reusability, productivity, buglessness, 
>   maintainability, etc.).
>   I believe it myself. (I can just feel the power when I use C++ :-). 
>   But does anyone have any references to actual *empirical* quantitative 
>   studies which have actually *measured* the extent of these benefits? 
>   Studies with real *numbers* in them.

Well, here's a simple, not-very-profound numerical study I did *just*
this afternoon: number of articles in computer journals referencing
the "object oriented" buzz-phrase.  Each number represents number
of articles during the previous year.  Total number of articles in
each time period was fairly constantly about 60,000.

Oct 88	 415
Jan 89	 516
Mar 89	 622
Jun 89	 806
Sep 89	1057
Jan 90	1289

Interpretation is left to the reader.  I don't know about you, but I feel
like I'm falling a *little* behind in my "object oriented" readings.  Of
course my cat *is* object oriented.  And I don't even *have* a cat.