[comp.lang.c++] Typedefs in class declarations.

ned@pebbles.cad.mcc.com (Ned Nowotny) (02/10/90)

What, if anything, is special about typedefs which are enclosed within a class
declaration?  G++ 1.36.4 does not recognize typedef names outside the scope
of an enclosing class declaration and I am not enough of a language lawyer
to know whether this is really a problem.  I do know, however, that you
can't declare something as a classname::typedef.  Therefore, it would seem that
G++'s behavior is either a bug, or typedefs within class declarations are
nearly useless.

Ned Nowotny, MCC CAD Program, Box 200195, Austin, TX  78720  Ph: (512) 338-3715
ARPA: ned@mcc.com                   UUCP: ...!cs.utexas.edu!milano!cadillac!ned
"We have ways to make you scream." - Intel advertisement in the June 1989 DDJ.

rfg@ics.uci.edu (Ronald Guilmette) (02/10/90)

In article <6016@cadillac.CAD.MCC.COM> ned@MCC.COM (Ned Nowotny) writes:
>What, if anything, is special about typedefs which are enclosed within a class
>declaration?  G++ 1.36.4 does not recognize typedef names outside the scope
>of an enclosing class declaration and I am not enough of a language lawyer
>to know whether this is really a problem.

Currently, g++ treats class-nested typedefs as local to the containing
class.  This is certainly different from what cfront 2.0 currently does.
Whether it is a problem or not depends on what you are trying to do.
Little incompatabilities like this are always mildly irritating however.

I have mentioned this difference to MDT and I believe that he is disinclined
to change the g++ treatement at this time.  Part of his reasoning may be that
there have been some suggestions made regarding rule changes for class-
nested types.  I think he would prefer to wait and see what happens there.
(But I should not be speaking for him.)

>I do know, however, that you
>can't declare something as a classname::typedef.  Therefore, it would seem that
>G++'s behavior is either a bug, or typedefs within class declarations are
>nearly useless.

They may be useful within the class.  Think encapsulation!

// rfg

ned@pebbles.cad.mcc.com (Ned Nowotny) (02/12/90)

In article <25D3DCB8.16923@paris.ics.uci.edu> rfg@ics.uci.edu (Ronald Guilmette) writes:
=>In article <6016@cadillac.CAD.MCC.COM> ned@MCC.COM (Ned Nowotny) writes:
=>>...[ I question the way G++ handles typedefs within a class declaration ]...
=>Currently, g++ treats class-nested typedefs as local to the containing
=>class.  This is certainly different from what cfront 2.0 currently does.
=>Whether it is a problem or not depends on what you are trying to do.
=>Little incompatabilities like this are always mildly irritating however.
=>...[ Ron reports MDT's opinion on this issue ]...
=>>I do know, however, that you
=>>can't declare something as a classname::typedef.  Therefore, it would seem that
=>>G++'s behavior is either a bug, or typedefs within class declarations are
=>>nearly useless.
=>They may be useful within the class.  Think encapsulation!

Now, I may just be ignorant, but it seems to me that encapsulation should
mean that a private member function of a class could be declared and defined
to return a type named by a typedef declared within a class declaration.
However, G++ will not even allow this.  (For an example, look at the parseDate
function declared in Date.h and defined in Date.c in the NIH Class Library.)

This variance from both C++ and ANSI C behavior seems unnecessary and,
perhaps, incorrectly implemented.

Ned Nowotny, MCC CAD Program, Box 200195, Austin, TX  78720  Ph: (512) 338-3715
ARPA: ned@mcc.com                   UUCP: ...!cs.utexas.edu!milano!cadillac!ned
"We have ways to make you scream." - Intel advertisement in the June 1989 DDJ.