[comp.lang.c++] Tree Needed

ta-mmh@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Margaret Helmuth) (02/11/90)

Does anyone know where I can get a C++ n-ary tree?

beard@ux1.lbl.gov (Patrick C Beard) (02/14/90)

In article <2866@cunixc.cc.columbia.edu> ta-mmh@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Margaret Helmuth) writes:
#Does anyone know where I can get a C++ n-ary tree?

Well, here's one I wrote a little while back...  It needs to learn how
to balance itself, but it worked for me.

	A general n-ary tree class.
	by Patrick Beard.

#ifndef __TREE_CLASS__
#define __TREE_CLASS__

#include <stream.h>

#ifndef nil
#define nil (0)

class Tree {
	Tree(char *data=nil);			// constructor creates a fresh one.
	~Tree();						// destructor kills it.
	Tree* AppendChild(Tree* child);	// add a child to end of list.
	Tree* PrependChild(Tree* child);// add a child to beginning of list.
	Tree* Remove();					// removes child from its parent.
	// access functions.
	Tree* Parent() { return parent; }
	Tree* Sibling() { return sibling; }
	Tree* operator[](int index);	// get index'th child. (zero based).
	void Print(int tabs=0);			// print out whole tree.
	// data access/storage functions.
	char* Retrieve() { return data; }
	void Store(char* storedData) { data = storedData; }
	Tree* Find(char* storedData);	// find this string
	char*		data;				// data this node contains.
	Tree*		parent;				// our parent.
	Tree*		children;			// list of children.
	Tree*		lastChild;			// so appending is fast.
	Tree*		sibling;			// if we're in a list.


	Implementation of n-ary tree class.

	by Patrick Beard.

#include "Tree.h"

Tree::Tree(char *nodeData)
	data = nodeData;
	parent = nil;
	children = nil;
	sibling = nil;
	lastChild = nil;

	// we have to remove reference to ourself from our parent.  only clean way.
	// also better delete all children?
	for(Tree *child = children; child != nil; child = child->sibling) {
		delete child;

Tree* Tree::AppendChild(Tree* child)
	// set up pointers, etc.
	// add child to list of children.
	if(!children) {
		children = lastChild = child;
	} else {
		lastChild->sibling = child;
		lastChild = child;
	// update who this child's parent is.
	child->parent = this;
	return child;

Tree* Tree::PrependChild(Tree* child)
	child->sibling = children;
	children = child;
	child->parent = this;
	return child;

Tree* Tree::Remove()
	// remove references to us from siblings and parent.
	Tree *child, *prev = nil;
	for(child = parent->children; child != nil; child = child->sibling) {
		if(child == this)
		prev = child;	// remember for linked list.
	if(child) {
			prev->sibling = child->sibling;
			children = child->sibling;
		if(child == lastChild)
			lastChild = prev;
		child->sibling = nil;
		child->parent = nil;
	return child;

Tree* Tree::operator[](int index)
	Tree *child = children;
	while(child != nil && index--) 
		child = child->sibling;
	return child;

Tree* Tree::Find(char* storedData)
	if(strcmp(storedData, data)==0)
		return this;
	if(children) {
		for(Tree *child = children; child != nil; child = child->sibling) {
				return child;
	return nil;

void Tree::Print(int tabs)
	for(register int i=0; i<tabs; i++)
		cout << "\t";
	cout << data << "\n";
	for(Tree *child = children; child != nil; child = child->sibling) {

-  Patrick Beard, Macintosh Programmer                        (beard@lbl.gov) -
-  Berkeley Systems, Inc.  ".......<dead air>.......Good day!" - Paul Harvey  -