[comp.lang.c++] Using distributive property to optimize.

chuckp@ncr-fc.FtCollins.NCR.com (Chuck Phillips) (02/13/90)

On 7 Feb 90 20:25:41 GMT,
karl@haddock.ima.isc.com (Karl Heuer) said:
I forget who> Compilers should NEVER rearrange computations.

Karl> As long as they get the right answer, they may; as long as it's a
Karl> desirable performance improvement, they should.

Agreed.  In the spirit of C, the compiler _should_, by default, have the
freedom to rearrange an expression (take advantage of distributivity, etc.).
However, there are times when you _really need_ to explicitly control the
order and means of evaluation.

Anyone for casting an evaluation critical expressions to type "volatile"?
It's too late for ANSI C.  ISO C, perhaps?

Then again, how about: extern "forth" ?  :-)

Just kidding!  See the smilies? -> :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) 
		Chuck Phillips -- chuckp%ncr-fc.FtCollins.NCR.COM

karl@haddock.ima.isc.com (Karl Heuer) (02/15/90)

In article <CHUCKP.90Feb13065634@halley.ncr-fc.FtCollins.NCR.com> chuckp@ncr-fc.FtCollins.NCR.com (Chuck Phillips) writes:
>Agreed.  In the spirit of C, the compiler _should_, by default, have the
>freedom to rearrange an expression (take advantage of distributivity, etc.).
>However, there are times when you _really need_ to explicitly control the
>order and means of evaluation.

Please describe such a circumstance.  I believe that all such are covered by
the new ANSI C rules%, and hence there is no need for extensions like your
proposed "cast-to-volatile".

Karl W. Z. Heuer (karl@ima.ima.isc.com or harvard!ima!karl), The Walking Lint
Followups to comp.lang.c only; this isn't really C++ related.
% Briefly, the rule is that the implementation is permitted to rearrange only
  through the grace of the as-if rule: i.e., only if the result obtained is
  indistinguishable from that of the abstract machine.  Lvalues with the
  "volatile" attribute must be loaded and stored as per the abstract machine.