[comp.lang.c++] Wrappers; Exception Handling Macros

sdm@cs.brown.edu (Scott Meyers) (02/16/90)

I have two questions for users of C++, one on wrappers, one on the
exception handling macros in AT&T's <generic.h>:

    - Wrappers:  

      In general, a wrapper function wf() for a function f() is a function
      that does some preprocessing, calls f, then does some postprocessing.
      That is, wf() usually looks something like this:

           returnType wf(params) {
             // do some preprocessing

             returnType result = f(params);

             // do some postprocessing

             return result;

      g++ offers direct support for this idea (see "Function calls as
      first-class objects" in the User's Guide to GNU C++), cfront does
      not.  I happen to be using cfront right now, and I've found a use for
      wrappers on more than one occasion.  I'm curious to whether other
      people also use wrappers, and if so, how they implement them under
         What I do is make f a private function in a class, and make wf a
      public function.  Users of a class then call wf, which in turn calls
      f.  To indicate the relationship between wf and f, I choose a good
      name for wf (since it's in the public interface), then I give f the
      same name with an underbar appended.  For example, the wrapper
      function evaluate() calls the function evaluate_().  This isn't
      exactly intuitive -- does someone know of a better way?

    - Exception handling: 

      <generic.h> includes the following macros for doing exception
      handling, presumably in a manner similar to how the declare() and
      implement() macros in that file help one create pseudo-generic

      extern genericerror(int,char*);
      typedef int (*GPT)(int,char*);
      #define set_handler(generic,type,x) name4(set_,type,generic,_handler)(x)
      #define errorhandler(generic,type) name3(type,generic,handler)
      #define callerror(generic,type,a,b) (*errorhandler(generic,type))(a,b)

      Dewhurst and Stark give an example of the use of the
      declare/implement macros, but not of the exception-handling macros.
      If somebody has an example of how these latter macros are supposed to
      be used, I'd really appreciate hearing about it.

