[comp.lang.c++] Some questions on Zortech C++

yhe@zippy.eecs.umich.edu (Youda He) (01/03/90)

Here are some questions on bug/feature of Zortech C++:
(1) overload &:
    friend String operator&(String&, String&);
    will cause compiler error. (found in compile libg++ String.cc).
    This is a bug.
(2) initialize parameter:
    class foo {
	int foo(int i=0);
    // and later:
    int foo(int i=0)
	//code body
    this will cause compiler error, redefine initialized parameter. (sort of)
    will C++ 2.0 accept this? 
(3) sometimes the error message list wrong line number.

overall zortech c++ 2.0 is a much improved product, I am happy with it.

-- Youda He --

comeau@utoday.UUCP (Greg Comeau) (01/04/90)

In article <1172@zip.eecs.umich.edu> yhe@zip.eecs.umich.edu.UUCP (Youda He) writes:
>Here are some questions on bug/feature of Zortech C++:
>(2) initialize parameter:
>    class foo {
>	int foo(int i=0);
>    };
>    // and later:
>    int foo(int i=0)
>    {
>	//code body
>    }
>    this will cause compiler error, redefine initialized parameter. (sort of)
>    will C++ 2.0 accept this? 

 Did you mean that (a bunch of errors) or:
     class foo {
 	foo(int i=0);
     // and later:
     foo::foo(int i=0)
 	//code body


which cfront 2.0 doesn't like either since it assumes (I think) 'i' is
being initialized with 2 different unique values.
Greg, Comeau Computing, 91-34 120th Street, Richmond Hill, NY, 11418
Also, mag writer for UNIX Today! (SysAdm columnist), Microsoft Systems Journal
(C programming), + others. Also, BIX c.language & c.plus.plus conf. moderator.
Here:attmail!csanta!greg / BIX:comeau / CIS:72331, 3421 / voice:718-849-2355

bright@Data-IO.COM (Walter Bright) (01/06/90)

In article <1172@zip.eecs.umich.edu> yhe@zip.eecs.umich.edu.UUCP (Youda He) writes:
<Here are some questions on bug/feature of Zortech C++:
<(1) overload &:
<    friend String operator&(String&, String&);
<    will cause compiler error. (found in compile libg++ String.cc).
<    This is a bug.
Fixed in 2.06.

<(2) initialize parameter:
<    class foo { int foo(int i=0);  };
<    int foo(int i=0) {}
<    this will cause compiler error, redefine initialized parameter. (sort of)
<    will C++ 2.0 accept this? 
This behavior is as defined by the DRM.

rchen@m.cs.uiuc.edu (01/09/90)

Here is another Zortech C++ 2.0 bug:

class Choice {
    // ...
    Choice(char*, ...);
    // ...

    Choice a("first", "second", "third", "forth");
    // ...

The above program will cause a "compiler bug: nnnnn" error.  My program
worked fine with Zortech C++ 1.07, though.  I wish Zortech had a nice
bug-fix policy, so that I can get the patched compiler faster
and easier.  Don't tell me to wait for another release as I did for
version 1.07 when I reported several problems with 1.06.

-Ron Chen

jeffa@hpmwtd.HP.COM (Jeff Aguilera) (01/11/90)

> <Here are some questions on bug/feature of Zortech C++:
> <(1) overload &:
> <    friend String operator&(String&, String&);
> <    will cause compiler error. (found in compile libg++ String.cc).
> <    This is a bug.
> Fixed in 2.06.

When is 2.06 shipping?  The 2.0 compiler I received yesterday has this same
annoying bug.  (My temporary patch is to overload the comma operator, and
add extra parentheses to compensate for the lower precedence.  Ack!)

Zortech must be shipping a lot of C++ compilers.  The package I received
was labelled 3" media, and I had ordered 3-1/2" media, but the box was filled
with those damned 5-1/4" suckers, with the diskette package seal already 
broken.  I expected <iostream.h> and <complex.h>, but neither is included
in the product; and <stream.hpp> is badly broken, returning _eof one 
character too soon.  That's right,

    #include <stream.hpp>
    int main() {
        char c;
        while(cin.get(c)) cout.put(c);
        return 0;

does not completely copy stdin to stdout! (I believe the error was in
streambuf::sgetc peeking at the next character to determine whether to
set _eof.)  There are other buffering problems as well.  Sigh!

The compiler also bitches at files that do not explicitly end with a
newline, although ZED occasionally generates such beasts.  Why is this 
a lexical error?

Installation went smoothly, and the compiler is very fast, but I'll
reserve judgement until I have all the work arounds to get my code
working again.

comeau@utoday.UUCP (Greg Comeau) (01/12/90)

In article <1520012@hpmwjaa.HP.COM> jeffa@hpmwtd.HP.COM (Jeff Aguilera) writes:
>Zortech...<stream.hpp> is badly broken, returning _eof one 
>character too soon.

Well, I wouldn't say that made it badly broken.  In any event I think the
problem is in the snextc routine and somebody on BIX has posted a
solution of some sort to the problem.
Greg, Comeau Computing, 91-34 120th Street, Richmond Hill, NY, 11418
Producers of CC C++, SysAdm columnist for UNIX Today!, Microsoft Systems Journal
(C programming), + others. Also, BIX c.language & c.plus.plus conf. moderator.
Here:attmail!csanta!greg / BIX:comeau / CIS:72331, 3421 / voice:718-849-2355

williams@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu (Kent Williams) (01/12/90)

If there is a fix to a problem with Zortech streams, and it's nottoo large,
please post it here somewhere.  Walter?

Kent Williams                  "What's an Address Bus?  How do Icons work?" 
williams@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu  -- Advertisement for Time-Life Books 

bright@Data-IO.COM (Walter Bright) (01/13/90)

In article <1520012@hpmwjaa.HP.COM> jeffa@hpmwtd.HP.COM (Jeff Aguilera) writes:
<< <Here are some questions on bug/feature of Zortech C++:
<When is 2.06 shipping?  The 2.0 compiler I received yesterday has this same
<annoying bug.

Did you get 2.06? If not, call them and request the update.

<The compiler also bitches at files that do not explicitly end with a
<newline, although ZED occasionally generates such beasts.  Why is this 
<a lexical error?

Because ANSI C says it is. (I don't personally agree with it, but am
stuck with it.)

Roy.Browning@f713.n106.z1.fidonet.org (Roy Browning) (01/17/90)

 > From: jeffa@hpmwtd.HP.COM (Jeff Aguilera)
 > Date: 10 Jan 90 16:01:56 GMT
 > Organization: HP Microwave Tech. - Santa Rosa, Ca.
 > Message-ID: <1520012@hpmwjaa.HP.COM>
 > Newsgroups: comp.lang.c++

 > does not completely copy stdin to stdout! (I believe the error was in
 > streambuf::sgetc peeking at the next character to determine whether to
 > set _eof.)  There are other buffering problems as well.  Sigh!


        To enable a program to import more than one string from the console  
at a time I modifed <stream.hpp> in the following manner and recompiled the  

int sgetc()
{       return (gptr + 1 < pptr)

The propblem was that sgetc() was continuing to point at the previous input   
even when called anew.

                          Mail has been slow to arrive,

                                Roy Browning

Spring, Texas  (FidoNet 1:106/506)

williams@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu (Kent Williams) (01/18/90)

Dear Mr. Bright,  I received the Zortech C++ 2.01 from Zortech Central
also.  I called them and asked about 2.06 and they denied it exists.  What's
the magic incantation to get through to someone who knows what they're talking
about at the home office?

Kent Williams                  "What's an Address Bus?  How do Icons work?" 
williams@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu  -- Advertisement for Time-Life Books 

cs326ad@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (01/22/90)

I called Zortech on Jan 20th, and they told me that they were shipping 2.0
with bug patches included with the shippment.  I asked about the version
number, and the reply was 2.06.  The lady I did talk to however, said that
they were getting a shipment of fixes on disk to send to registered customers
in the next week.  I assume that this is 2.06.  The next day, she called and
said that the fixes would be sent with my order, and NOT in a couple of weeks.

I does seem like someone(s) don't have the correct information..


yhe@zip.eecs.umich.edu (Youda He) (01/23/90)

In article <6300002@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu> cs326ad@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu writes:
>I called Zortech on Jan 20th, and they told me that they were shipping 2.0
>with bug patches included with the shippment.  I asked about the version
>number, and the reply was 2.06.  The lady I did talk to however, said that
>they were getting a shipment of fixes on disk to send to registered customers
>in the next week.  I assume that this is 2.06.  The next day, she called and
>said that the fixes would be sent with my order, and NOT in a couple of weeks.
>I does seem like someone(s) don't have the correct information..

I just called Zortech , the lady answer the phone told me 2.06 will be ship
in Feb, when I asked whether the upgrade is free from 2.0, she said it is not,
the price she told me is $149.95 to upgrade from 2.0 to 2.06!!!
I told her I just spend $200 for 2.0, and she said "yes, I know, but it is 
$149.95.", if that's the case, I will not, and tell everybody not to buy
it. Could some body more informative post some thing about this?

-- Youda --

paulb@midas.WR.TEK.COM ( mst) (01/23/90)

I recieved the 2.06 Zortech update in the mail today, Jan 22. 

bright@Data-IO.COM (Walter Bright) (01/25/90)

In article <469@ns-mx.uiowa.edu> williams@umaxc.weeg.uiowa.edu.UUCP (Kent Williams) writes:
<I received the Zortech C++ 2.01 from Zortech Central
<also.  I called them and asked about 2.06 and they denied it exists.

The 2.06 update is being shipped free to all customers we know about. If you
bought it from a dealer and didn't send in your registration card, then
obviously we don't know about you. In that case, call Zortech and request
the update. As to denying it exists, that must be a misunderstanding. Please
try again.

P.S. Send in those registration cards!

jb@altair.uucp (John Birchfield) (02/16/90)

In article <1258@zip.eecs.umich.edu> yhe@eecs.umich.edu (Youda He) writes:
>In article <6300002@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu> cs326ad@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu writes:
>>I called Zortech on Jan 20th, and they told me that they were shipping 2.0
>>with bug patches included with the shippment.  I asked about the version
>>number, and the reply was 2.06.  The lady I did talk to however, said that
>>they were getting a shipment of fixes on disk to send to registered customers
>>in the next week.  I assume that this is 2.06.  The next day, she called and
>>said that the fixes would be sent with my order, and NOT in a couple of weeks.
>>I does seem like someone(s) don't have the correct information..
>I just called Zortech , the lady answer the phone told me 2.06 will be ship
>in Feb, when I asked whether the upgrade is free from 2.0, she said it is not,
>the price she told me is $149.95 to upgrade from 2.0 to 2.06!!!
>I told her I just spend $200 for 2.0, and she said "yes, I know, but it is 
>$149.95.", if that's the case, I will not, and tell everybody not to buy
>it. Could some body more informative post some thing about this?
>-- Youda --

I got an upgrade from 2.0 to 2.06 in the mail a couple weeks ago.  I
guess maybe youse takes your chances when you call the Zortech office.

I would assume that everybody else who got 2.0 will also receive 2.06

| John Birchfield      
| jb@altair.csustan.edu

bright@Data-IO.COM (Walter Bright) (02/17/90)

In article <1258@zip.eecs.umich.edu> yhe@eecs.umich.edu (Youda He) writes:
<I just called Zortech , the lady answer the phone told me 2.06 will be ship
<in Feb, when I asked whether the upgrade is free from 2.0, she said it is not,

The upgrade from 2.0 to 2.06 is free.

bright@Data-IO.COM (Walter Bright) (02/17/90)

In article <1990Feb15.211959.12109@csustan.CSUStan.Edu> jb@altair.csustan.edu (John Birchfield) writes:
<I would assume that everybody else who got 2.0 will also receive 2.06

Not quite true. If you bought from a third party dealer, and did not send
in your registration card, then Zortech has no way of knowing who you are
and so cannot send you the update.

So send in those registration cards!