[comp.lang.c++] ctags for C++

jon@oddhack.Caltech.Edu (Jon Leech) (11/29/86)

	Has anyone come up with a version of ctags which works properly
on C++ source yet? The BSD and Sys V ctags both tend to complain about 
duplicate entries, and do not (of course) understand about member functions
or overloaded functions, so they will generate a tag 'normalize'
for the function 'name::normalize' (for example).

    -- Jon Leech (jon@csvax.caltech.edu || ...seismo!cit-vax!jon)
    Caltech Computer Science Graphics Group

snm@horus.gatech.edu (Sathis Menon) (11/08/88)

Does anyone know if ctags is available for c++?. If anyone has
source for it and if it is public domain, please send email to

Thanks -

Sathis Menon   School of Info and Computer Science, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 
internet  snm@gatech.edu                       
uucp      {ihnp4,decvax,ulysses,akgua}!gatech!boa!snm  

becher@argosy.UUCP (Jonathan D. Becher) (02/21/90)

I've recently gone back to programming in C++ after a nine month hiatus
and it occurs to me that I *really* would like a ctags for C++. (Please no
flames about the fact that I should be using emacs instead of vi -- I like
vi).  Has anyone done any work on this?  I took a cursory look at the
sources and realized that more than a trivial port had to be done since
functions can be defined in multiple classes.

I'd appreciated email if anyone has a version of ctags for C++ avaliable
-- or even a pointer to a partially finished port.


Jon Becher