[comp.lang.c++] NIH Library patches for g++

rfg@paris.ics.uci.edu (Ronald Guilmette) (02/21/90)

Alan Shephard, a researcher in the Communications Research Group,
Comp.Sci. Dept., Nottingham University, recently sent me some patches
for the NIH Library which he claims gets most of it running with g++.
I have not had a chance to try these patches myself yet, so I personally
cannot comment on their usefulness for various host systems and/or various
versions of g++, but because they may be useful to others, I thought that
it would be nice to make them available here in the States for anonymous
FTP from ics.uci.edu.

The file containing the patches is now available on ics.uci.edu.  The
filename is ~ftp/pub/nih_patches.tar.Z

Alan also sent the following pertinent information:

The versions of the software are:

	g++ version 1.36.4 (based on GCC 1.36.93)
	libg++ version 1.36.3
	nihcl version 2.204a
	SunOS 4.0.3

They've only been tested on a sun3 running sun OS4.  Problems remaining
are that the libg++ streams are not compatible with AT&T 2.0 although they
are compatible with AT&T 1.2.  G++ seems to employ bitwise copying in a
lot of cases which doesn't seem to work, when according to K.Gorlen (NIHCL
author) it should call the copy constructor Object::Object(Object&).

A lot of the tests seem to work except for methods which erroneously
employ bitwise copying.  These are limited in the main to the Set operator
methods and the methods which turn one sort of collection into another
e.g. Dictionary::asBag.  If people avoid these, everything should be okay.

I plan to get around to checking the vector stuff and then move on to
multiple inheritance!

Alan Shepherd


// rfg