[comp.lang.c++] g++ wrappers

sdm@cs.brown.edu (Scott Meyers) (02/22/90)

// I'm having trouble making g++ wrappers work correctly.  The only
// documentation I have to go on is the "User's Guide to GNU C++," the
// paper "Solving the RPC problem in GNU C++" from the Denver USENIX C++
// Conference, and the program twrapper.cc from the test directory of
// libg++ (1.36.3).  Unfortunately, the User's Guide and the paper seem to
// be out of date, because g++ insists that wrappers take an int as their
// first argument, and the example program offers no insight into when
// wrappers are called and when they're not.
// Questions:
//   -   In the program below, why doesn't the statement "object.f()" call
//       the wrapper?
//   -   In the program below, why does the statement "object.WrapperTest::f()"
//       elicit an error?

#include <stream.h>

class WrapperTest {
  void f() { cout << "** In f **\n"; }

  void ()WrapperTest(int, void (WrapperTest::*pf)())
      cout << "Entering wrapper...\n";
      cout << "Exiting wrapper...\n";
  WrapperTest object;

  object.f();                 // calls f, but not the wrapper

  object.WrapperTest::()f();  // error:  no member function
                              //         `WrapperTest::wrapper for `f''

// More questions:
//    -   Why do wrappers have to have an int as a first argument?
//    -   What are anti-wrappers (mentioned in the source code to g++)?
//    -   Under what conditions are wrappers called, if it's no longer under
//        control of the wrapper predicate (which does not seem to be the case
//        in the above example)?
// All illumination appreciated,
// Scott
// sdm@cs.brown.edu