[comp.lang.c++] lex, yacc and c++

my@bambam.WELLESLEY.EDU (My Khanh Hoang) (02/21/90)

	I am thinking of using C++ for a project which requires the use of lex
	and yacc on Unix. The C++ compiler I have access to is g++.

	I would like to know if these 3 programs are compatible or if there are
	versions of lex and yacc which are compatible with g++.


schmidt@zola.ics.uci.edu (Doug Schmidt) (02/25/90)

In article <12756@bambam.WELLESLEY.EDU>, my@bambam (My Khanh Hoang) writes:
>	I am thinking of using C++ for a project which requires the use of lex
>	and yacc on Unix. The C++ compiler I have access to is g++.
>	I would like to know if these 3 programs are compatible or if there are
>	versions of lex and yacc which are compatible with g++.

If you've got access to GNU g++ I assume you can also get easy access
to Bison and FLEX (Bison being GNU's yacc-compatible parser-generator
and FLEX being Vern Paxson et al's lex rewrite).  Both bison and FLEX
generate C code that is compilable with g++.  I've used g++/Bison/FLEX
for several classes I've taught here at UCI and things have gone
smoothly, for the most part.

The grave's a fine and private place,     | schmidt@ics.uci.edu (ARPA)
but none, I think, do there embrace.      | office: (714) 856-4043
                  -- Andrew Marvell