[comp.lang.c++] C++ and MOTIF ?

dingelde@sherekhan.zgdvda.uucp (Dennis Dingeldein) (02/20/90)

I want to use X and MOTIF using C++. This does not work with the
original headers, not even with X11R4. I am *urgently* seeking C++
compatible files for X, XIntrinsics and MOTIF. 
I do know that X11R4 has some prototyping, but not for all files. I have
heared from the protoize-tool from Ronald Guilmette, but if I use that
there will be still some work to do. 
Is there anyone out there having these things for me ??? Headers only
for MOTIF would be enough to make me happy !!!

Dennis Dingeldein	ZGDV Zentrum fuer Graphische Datenverarbeitung
(dingelde@zgdvda.uucp)	Wilhelminenstr. 7
			D-6100 Darmstadt, West Germany
			Phone: +49/6151/1000-77 
			Home:  +49/69/888160

rfg@ics.uci.edu (Ronald Guilmette) (02/22/90)

In article <106@sherekhan.zgdvda.uucp> dingelde@sherekhan.zgdvda.uucp (Dennis Dingeldein) writes:
>I want to use X and MOTIF using C++. This does not work with the
>original headers, not even with X11R4. I am *urgently* seeking C++
>compatible files for X, XIntrinsics and MOTIF.
>I do know that X11R4 has some prototyping, but not for all files. I have
>heared from the protoize-tool from Ronald Guilmette, but if I use that
>there will be still some work to do.
>Is there anyone out there having these things for me ??? Headers only
>for MOTIF would be enough to make me happy !!!

I think that you are making an incorrect assumption about the amount of
work that you would have left to do after running protoize.

If all you want are prototyped header files (and only for Motif) I would
guess that there would only be perhaps about one day's worth of additional
work that you would have to do on the header files to make them ANSI C and C++
compliant after you had protoized them.

If you do decide to do that (and I heartly encourage you to do so) please
let me know so that we can try to figure out a way to make the resulting
patches available to the net community (in a way that will not violate any
copyrights).  I believe that we can find a way to do this.

I will be glad to provide assistance to anyone who wants to develop ANSI-C/C++
versions of programs (or header files) that could possibly be of general
use to many people.  I will be *especially* glad to provide technical
advice and assistance with respect to any effort to return the benefits
of such work back to the net community.

The world is slowly but surely moving towards ANSI C and C++.  It will be
very stupid if a lack of cooperation results in the same conversions
being done over and over again in a thousand different organizations.
Don't curse the darkness.  Light a candle!

// Ron Guilmette (rfg@ics.uci.edu)
// C++ Entomologist
// Motto:  If it sticks, force it.  If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.

nazgul@alphalpha.com (Kee Hinckley) (02/23/90)

In article <106@sherekhan.zgdvda.uucp> dingelde@sherekhan.zgdvda.uucp (Dennis Dingeldein) writes:
>I want to use X and MOTIF using C++. This does not work with the
>original headers, not even with X11R4. I am *urgently* seeking C++
>compatible files for X, XIntrinsics and MOTIF. 
>I do know that X11R4 has some prototyping, but not for all files. I have
>heared from the protoize-tool from Ronald Guilmette, but if I use that
>there will be still some work to do. 
>Is there anyone out there having these things for me ??? Headers only
>for MOTIF would be enough to make me happy !!!

If you find something let me know, but I'm somewhat confused.  You make it
sound like the current situation doesn't work at all. I'm currently doing
C++/Motif work with no problems - no prototyping, but it works. There are
a few #ifdef's in the X header files to get around name conflicts, but that's
it.  Are you having other problems (send me mail or post)?
| Alphalpha Software, Inc. | Voice/Fax: 617/646-7703 | Home: 617/641-3805     |
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rfg@ics.uci.edu (Ronald Guilmette) (02/26/90)

In article <1990Feb22.184711.7006@alphalpha.com> nazgul@alphalpha.com (Kee Hinckley) writes:
>In article <106@sherekhan.zgdvda.uucp> dingelde@sherekhan.zgdvda.uucp (Dennis Dingeldein) writes:
>>I want to use X and MOTIF using C++. This does not work with the
>>original headers, not even with X11R4. I am *urgently* seeking C++
>>compatible files for X, XIntrinsics and MOTIF.
>>I do know that X11R4 has some prototyping, but not for all files. I have
>>heared from the protoize-tool from Ronald Guilmette, but if I use that
>>there will be still some work to do.
>>Is there anyone out there having these things for me ??? Headers only
>>for MOTIF would be enough to make me happy !!!
>If you find something let me know, but I'm somewhat confused.  You make it
>sound like the current situation doesn't work at all. I'm currently doing
>C++/Motif work with no problems - no prototyping, but it works. There are
>a few #ifdef's in the X header files to get around name conflicts, but that's
>it.  Are you having other problems (send me mail or post)?

I personally don't know squat about Motif, other than the fact that it
has something to do with X-windows.  I don't know why it either should
or should not be usable with C++, however I do know that, in general,
C language header files require (or at least benefit from) some massaging
(usually including the introduction of function prototypes) before they
are used with C++.

A fellow in France recently sent me a set of Motif header files which (he
claims) have been massaged for C++ compatability.  I am ready and willing
to make these available for anonymous FTP from this site, however I don't
have any notion whatsoever about the exact legal status of modified Motif
header files (or even about unmodified ones for that matter).

Therefore, in order to avoid any risk of being sued, I want to check with
the original owners of Motif before I do anything rash.  I believe that
Motif is owned by OSF.  If anybody knows who at OSF I should contact
about the legal status of Motif header files, please let me know.  Elsewise,
I'll just have to put out my own feelers and see what info I get back.

Sit tight and cross your fingers.

P.S.  I am witholding the name of my "French connection" just on the off
chance that he might not have had the full legal authority to redistribute
the header files.  I'm just trying to err on the side of caution so that
he does not get into any trouble.  If he doesn't care (or isn't worried)
about such trouble, then perhaps he will post something here himself,
telling those who want the Motif headers how to get them from France.

// Ron Guilmette (rfg@ics.uci.edu)
// C++ Entomologist
// Motto:  If it sticks, force it.  If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.