[comp.lang.c++] Zortech Upgrades

jdg@elmgate.UUCP (Jeff Gortatowsky CUST) (02/19/90)

Walter Bright writes:
>Not quite true. If you bought from a third party dealer, and did not send
>in your registration card, then Zortech has no way of knowing who you are
>and so cannot send you the update.
>So send in those registration cards!

Not quite true.  After recieving your note on the BBS 3 weeks ago
I've patiently waited, and waited, and waited.  I bought 2.01 through
a third party and made darn sure to send in my cards for the compiler,
library src, and debugger.  Haven't seen anything yet.
So I wait.....and wait some more.

Jeff Gortatowsky-Eastman Kodak Company  .....rochester!kodak!elmgate!jdg
Eastman Kodak makes film not comments.  Therefore these comments are mine
not theirs.

johnl@vlsi2.CS.Concordia.CA (John Lyons 1732684 (88.12.31)) (02/19/90)

	I ordered my upgrade from 1.07 to 2.00 about one week after it became 
available. I also ordered it directly from Zortech, and promptly sent in my 
registration card. Since that time, a friend of mine ordered 2.00
(about a month or two after me), and he received his free upgrade to 2.06 a
few weeks ago. I have yet to here anything from Zortech about my 2.06 upgrade.
(In fact I was never informed about the 2.00 upgrade I read about it in byte!!)
	I shall wait patiently for another week or so, before I call. I just 
wish Zortech were a little more organized when it comes to offering upgrades.

John Lyons

rchen@m.cs.uiuc.edu (02/20/90)

I think Zortech should check into the personals behind the phone lines,
for both 1-800 number and the other 617 number.  I called for a bug report
on C++2.0 in early January.  What I heard was the sound of chewing gum and
irresponsible answers, a couple of times I waited rather long when
calling the (617) number.  I thought by paying the phone bill myself I
would get better service.  Wrong.  I heard the same chewing gum and the
same bad attitude.  Finally, the person found our order number and
promised to send us 2.06 the next day.  I waited for three weeks and couldn't
help to call again.  Several days later we received two disks labeled
C++ upgrade for OS/2.  (I use DOS!)  Worse than that, the first disk
(suppose to have compiler update on it) was a BLANK one.  Is this some
kind of joke?  Then we had to call again.  More arguing and promises.
That was two weeks ago.  Here, I am still waiting for the disks to come.

Personally, I like Zortech C++ and other products.  But dealing with bug
report and ordering upgrade was disappointing.  

-Ron Chen @ Department of Computer Science
            University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

cs326ad@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (02/20/90)

I have to join the bandwagon here.  I posted a note long ago in a note
string about Zortech, and the problems and unanswered questions concerning
the new upgrade.  The product that I received later that week is ver 2.00
I have waited, and not called yet, sent my card in, and waited, and waited.
It seems hard to believe that there are people who have responded to other
notes in this notesfile, that appearantely ordered Zortech C++ after I
have and already received the 2.06 update.  Maybe we could get some help on

=                                                                         =
=    Mark Allender                               University of Illinois   =
=    cs326ad@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu                    Urbana, Illinois         =
=    ma20449@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu                                             =
=                                                                         =

Bob.Stout@p6.f506.n106.z1.fidonet.org (Bob Stout) (02/21/90)

  Zortech only mailed out the free, unrequested upgrades to folks who bought  
direct although, as noted, there were a few lapses. Those who bought from  
third parties have to request the upgrade even if they sent in their  
registration cards (yeah, I know it's dim, but it's the way they're handling  
it!) I also assume everyone knows that Zortech has a toll-free 800 number... 

bright@Data-IO.COM (Walter Bright) (02/22/90)

In article <1206@elmgate.UUCP> jdg@elmgate.UUCP (Jeff Gortatowsky CUST) writes:
<I bought 2.01 through
<a third party and made darn sure to send in my cards for the compiler,
<library src, and debugger.  Haven't seen anything yet.
<So I wait.....and wait some more.

The problem is that the registration cards don't say whether the version
that you have is 2.01 or 2.06. This means that if you sent in the registration
after 2.06 started shipping, you'll need to call Zortech to request the
upgrade, otherwise they have no way of telling which version you have.

jsulliva@cvbnet.UUCP (Jeff Sullivan, x4096 MS 4-2) (02/22/90)

  I just wanted to say that I received my *free* upgrade in
 the mail about 2 weeks ago. I have been a registered user
 since version 1.07 and was pleasantly surprized by the package.
 Many software companies would only send upgrades if their users
 demanded it, Zortech sent theirs to me without my asking. That's
 pretty good in my book.


cs326ad@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu (02/24/90)

> ... I also assume everyone knows that Zortech has a toll-free 800 number... 

And that number happens to be


=                                                                         =
=    Mark Allender                               University of Illinois   =
=    cs326ad@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu                    Urbana, Illinois         =
=    ma20449@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu                                             =
=                                                                         =

lamarche@ireq.hydro.qc.ca (Louis Lamarche) (02/25/90)

A friend and I bought one V1.06 and one V1.07 then two V2.00 upgrade
( Developers Edition ) from Zortech (Arlington) and sent our 
registration cards and many bug reports. Up to now we did not receive
V2.06. Is it because we are in Canada?
| Louis Lamarche, IREQ |       lamarche@ireq.hydro.qc.ca
| CP 1000, Varennes    |                 or
| QC, Canada, J3X 1S1  |  514-652-8077 (office)  514-324-2919 (home)

ianking@tcom.stc.co.uk (Ian King) (02/26/90)

In article <14467.25E40412@urchin.fidonet.org> Bob.Stout@p6.f506.n106.z1.fidonet.org (Bob Stout) writes:
>  Zortech only mailed out the free, unrequested upgrades to folks who bought  
>direct although, as noted, there were a few lapses. Those who bought from  

Well they are not doing it in the UK.  I received a mailshot & would have to
pay to upgrade to 2v0+ from 1.07. I decided to wait until it was reasonably
stable ie not going up version numbers on a weekly basis. I'm not alone
feeling this way :-)

.........Ian King,
         Advance Micro Computers Ltd.

Ian King  <ianking@tcom.stc.co.uk> or <...mcvax!ukc!stc!ianking>
   ADVANCE MICRO COMPUTERS...you know IT makes sense! :-)
JANET: ianking%stc@uk.ac.ukc

rgr@cbnewsm.ATT.COM (robert.g.robillard) (02/27/90)

In article <38@cvbnetPrime.COM> jsulliva@cvbnet.UUCP (Jeff Sullivan, x4096 MS 4-2) writes:

]  I just wanted to say that I received my *free* upgrade ...
] pleasantly surprized by the package...
] ...Zortech sent theirs to me without my asking. That's
] pretty good in my book.

Damn straight.  And I'd rather have Walter reading the net
and the BBS than a dozen Microsoft support guys answering

|  Duke Robillard                                                        |
|  Internet: rgr@m10ux.att.com         | BITNET: rgr%m10ux.uucp@psuvax1  |
|  UUCP:     {backbone!}att!m10ux!rgr  |          (maybe)                |