[comp.lang.c++] I *like* descriptive subject lines

sartin@hplabsz.HPL.HP.COM (Rob Sartin) (02/27/90)

In article <25E6509D.3170@paris.ics.uci.edu> rfg@ics.uci.edu (Ronald Guilmette) writes:
>The above named person will do that from now on.  I will start leaving
>the number out of the title.  I begain putting those in so that I could

No!  Having unique subjects is good.  It let's me know it's new bug.  It
lets me file the bugs and any resulting discussion.  It does not prevent
me from junking the articles.

For people who don't want to read them put this in your KILL file:

/: *cfront 2.0 bug 9/:j

You can do that (from the prompt on this article in rn) by typing
control K and then using your editor to add that line.  That line will
junk the articles that have been posted so far and should work through
the end of the decade.

I'm using my KILL file to automatically SAVE the articles and if the
subject lines start having no bug numbers it'll stop saving them separately.

Rob Sartin			internet: sartin@hplabs.hp.com
Software Technology Lab 	uucp    : hplabs!sartin
Hewlett-Packard			voice	: (415) 857-7592