[comp.lang.c++] Lexer timings

schmidt@zola.ics.uci.edu (Doug Schmidt) (02/27/90)

In article <MEISSNER.90Feb26145638@curley.osf.org>, meissner@osf (Michael Meissner) writes:
>I have supported three compilers in the last 10 years (DG/L, Data
>General C, and now GNU C), and none of them use any automatic tools
>for lexing.

Actually, GNU C uses a reserved word recognizer function generated
automatically by my GPERF program.  But I understand your general

>First of all, UNIX lex is too general purpose, and too slow to be used
>in a production compiler (yes I know flex fixes at least some of the
>speed problems).  You don't need backtracing, or even generalized
>regular expressions, and such for most computer languages to lex
>stuff, just simple one character lookahead.

Here are some interesting statistics that add empirical support to
Michael's claims:

Given an input file with 350,466 C++ reserved words and 624,156
user-defined identifiers, organized as 1 word per-line (created by
running the command tr -cs A-Za-z_ '\012' on the preprocessed source
code for ET++) the following timing results were obtained on an
otherwise idle Sun 4/260 with 32 meg of RAM:

/bin/time gperf.exe < ET++.input
       19.9 real        17.8 user         1.3 sys
/bin/time flex.exe < ET++.input
       49.2 real        32.2 user         2.5 sys
/bin/time comp-flex.exe < ET++.input
       92.9 real        62.4 user         2.7 sys

The gperf.exe file was a gperf-generated recognizer for the 47
standard C++ reserved words invoked by the following short driver:

int main (void)
  char buf[200];

    while (gets (buf))
      in_word_set (buf, strlen (buf));

The flex.exe file came from a flex 2.1 generated recognizer (also for
C++ reserved words) created with the -f (no table compaction) option,
in order to maximize speed.  comp-flex is the same input file
generated with the default settings (-cem, which gives maximal

Finally, here are the relative sizes (in bytes) for the object files
(all compiled gcc 1.37 using the -O -strength-reduce option):

text    data    bss     dec
1672    0       0       1672    gperf.o
6032    56      16440   22528   comp-flex.o
3616    56632   16440   76688   flex.o

My conclusions?  Even flex can be big and slow for certain lexing
purposes, though it beats the standard UNIX lex and its use is often
justifiable on other grounds (facilitates rapid-prototyping, may be
easier to maintain than a hand-generated lexer for certain languages,
etc.).  Finally, tool-generated code (like that produced by gperf)
doesn't necessarily have to be slow, even though it's produced


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And asking about Buddha                +------------------------+
Is like proclaiming innocence,         | schmidt@ics.uci.edu    |
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