[comp.lang.c++] do we need a sub-newsgroup?

hernan2@pyr.gatech.EDU (Hernan Astudillo R.) (02/27/90)

I have noticed that a good amount of traffic in this newsgroup is
related to specific compilers/products,  particularly Zortech's.
Minor traffic exists also for cfront, Motif, etc., but in much smaller
amounts (i'd say zortech-isms take 1/4 - 1/2 bandwith).

Now my question:  Is it feasible (and right) to create a sub-newsgroup
or something like that,  where such topics are isolated from others?
This way, c.l.c++ could be left mainly for language-related postings.

[ BTW, I DO know what a kill file is :-).  However, a guess that the
purpose of a newsgroup is somehow allow browsing of topic-related
postings, and if certain  topics become dominant (or at least
significant), additional newsgroups are created.  Otherwise,  why
not a "comp.universal" newsgroup and lots of kill files? :-). ]

Anyway,  hope is a good idea...

Hernan Astudillo R.		 	ICS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332
internet: hernan2@pyr.gatech.edu
uucp: ...!{akgua,allegra,amd,hplabs,ihnp4,seismo,ut-ngp}!gatech!gitpyr!hernan2
Hernan Astudillo R.		 	ICS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332
internet: hernan2@pyr.gatech.edu
uucp: ...!{akgua,allegra,amd,hplabs,ihnp4,seismo,ut-ngp}!gatech!gitpyr!hernan2

rfg@ics.uci.edu (Ronald Guilmette) (02/27/90)

In article <9904@pyr.gatech.EDU> hernan2@pyr.gatech.edu.gatech.edu (Hernan Astudillo R.) writes:
>I have noticed that a good amount of traffic in this newsgroup is
>related to specific compilers/products,  particularly Zortech's.
>Minor traffic exists also for cfront, Motif, etc., but in much smaller
>amounts (i'd say zortech-isms take 1/4 - 1/2 bandwith).
>Now my question:  Is it feasible (and right) to create a sub-newsgroup
>or something like that,  where such topics are isolated from others?
>This way, c.l.c++ could be left mainly for language-related postings.
>[ BTW, I DO know what a kill file is :-).  However, a guess that the
>purpose of a newsgroup is somehow allow browsing of topic-related
>postings, and if certain  topics become dominant (or at least
>significant), additional newsgroups are created.  Otherwise,  why
>not a "comp.universal" newsgroup and lots of kill files? :-). ]

I have proposed (and I *again* propose) the creation of a comp.std.c++
newsgroup to discuss language issues only (but perhaps also questions
about specific behavior of specific implementations, like "Is this a
bug or a language feature?"

Look, there exists a comp.std.c group right?  Well, friends, in case you
have not heard yet, there is now an ANSI standardization effort underway
for C++.  Thus (I contend) it is only a matter of time before comp.std.c++
is brought into existance.  The only real question is: Do we want to wait,
or should we do it now?  I say let's do it now!  If we wait, then what
event (exactly) are we waiting for?

// Ron Guilmette (rfg@ics.uci.edu)
// C++ Entomologist
// Motto:  If it sticks, force it.  If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.

shankar@hpclscu.HP.COM (Shankar Unni) (03/01/90)

> Look, there exists a comp.std.c group right?  Well, friends, in case you
> have not heard yet, there is now an ANSI standardization effort underway
> for C++.  Thus (I contend) it is only a matter of time before comp.std.c++
> is brought into existance.  The only real question is: Do we want to wait,
> or should we do it now?  I say let's do it now!  If we wait, then what
> event (exactly) are we waiting for?

Sounds like a great idea. Why don't you propose a new group and solicit
votes?  I'm not sure how this is done, but I'm sure lots of other users on
the net can tell you how.
Shankar Unni                                   E-Mail: 
Hewlett-Packard California Language Lab.     Internet: shankar@hpda.hp.com
Phone : (408) 447-5797                           UUCP: ...!hplabs!hpda!shankar