[comp.lang.c++] Expert Systems in C++

mark@intek01.UUCP (Mark McWiggins) (02/23/90)

Anybody seen a reference to a book on expert systems in C++?

Thanks in advance.

Mark McWiggins			Integration Technologies, Inc. (Intek)
+1 206 455 9935			DISCLAIMER:  I could be wrong ...
1400 112th Ave SE #202		Bellevue WA  98004
uunet!intek01!mark		Ask me about C++!

dag@control.lth.se (Dag Bruck) (02/26/90)

In article <123@intek01.UUCP> mark@intek01.UUCP (Mark McWiggins) writes:
>Anybody seen a reference to a book on expert systems in C++?

"C/C++ Expert Systems" by David Hu.

This is clearly the worst book on C++ I have seen.  It is much worse
than the other books frequently bashed in this newsgroup.

Dag Michael Bruck
Department of Automatic Control		Internet:  dag@control.lth.se
Lund Institute of Technology
P. O. Box 118				Phone:	+46 46-108779
S-221 00 Lund, SWEDEN			Fax:    +46 46-138118

jimad@microsoft.UUCP (Jim ADCOCK) (03/02/90)

In article <123@intek01.UUCP> mark@intek01.UUCP (Mark McWiggins) writes:
>Anybody seen a reference to a book on expert systems in C++?

C/C++ For Expert Systems
David Hu
MIS Portland Oregon 1989
ISBN 0-943518-86-5

I decline to recommend it. [standard disclaimer]