[comp.lang.c++] Info on Browsers Wanted

sdm@cs.brown.edu (Scott Meyers) (02/27/90)

I am interested in getting information on browsers for C++.  I am familiar
with iclass (the class browser that comes with InterViews) and have read
the 1987 USENIX paper on the Mentor Graphics browser, and I've seen the
marketing propaganda on ParcPlace's ObjectWorks for C++, but surely there
are other browsers floating around out there.  If you know of such a
browser, or if you can provide me with a description of the current state
of either Mentor's or ParcPlace's browsers, I'd appreciate it if you'd mail
me what you know, including references, if available.

I'm coauthor of a paper, "FIELD Support for C++," to be presented at the
USENIX C++ conference in April.  Most of that paper will be devoted to
describing a browser, cbrowse, developed here at Brown University.  The
browser displays information both graphically and textually, and, to the
best of my knowledge, is the most sophisticated browser available anywhere.
If I'm wrong about that, I would very much like to know about it.


elice@hpclewy.HP.COM (Elice Yung) (03/02/90)

I am very interested in the C++ browser ,cbrowse, that is developed at
Brown University. I would appreciate it if you can mail me some detailed 
information about the features that cbrowse provided.

						     Elice Yung

perez@csc.ti.com (Edward Perez) (03/03/90)

scott, following up from elice yung's request, how can we in netland get
information on cbrowse?  can you post a summary, provide an ftp address to grab
documentation, usps address to request hardcopies, or ???

thanks in advance from a visually-oriented person (vop).
edward roland perez          internet: perez@csc.ti.com             #
computer science center         csnet: perez%ti-csl@relay.cs.net    #
texas instruments, dallas       phone: 214-995-0698(w)              #