[comp.lang.c++] Book Review: "The C++ WorkBook", Wiener & Pinson

jimad@microsoft.UUCP (JAMES ADCOCK) (02/21/90)

I just found and bought another C++ book:

"The C++ Workbook"
Wiener & Pinson, 349 pgs
Addison-Wesley 1990
ISBN: 0-201-50930-X
$28.95 [at my local bookstore]

So far I've read four of nine classes, and have not been impressed.
I greatly prefer Hanson's "The C++ Answer Book" in spite of the fact that
Hanson's book is based primarily on the 1.2 version of the language,
while "The C++ Workbook" claims to be based on 2.0

But "The C++ Workbook" gets some of the important 2.0 stuff totally wrong,
so I'm not sure that the fact that Hanson's book is based on 1.2 is 
a relative disadvantage.  For example,  "The C++ WorkBook" claims:

"  When declaring a data member to be *static* it *must not require
initialization*.  For ordinary C-types, the static declaration causes no
problems because ordinary C-types do not require initialization.  See, for
example, *static int small* in class A and *static int count* in class B in
Listing 3.17.

   *If an instance variable of a class is to be declared as static, the
requirement for no initialization requires that the class have no 
constructors and, further, that none of its data members be instances of a
class with constructors.*  A number of variations on the use of static
declarations with the resulting acceptance by CFront are given in Listing 3.17"

--Which is dead wrong, and would lead a person not knowing better to beleive
that static instances have almost no applicability.  


For comparison, Lippman gets the description of static members dead right,
and very clearly, concisely, and correctly states their usages and the
issues involved.

Program examples in "The C++ Workbook" are given in an very-large, bold,
sans-serif, variable spaced text.  Indentation is by about half a character
width.  Many examples are very abstract:


class Second
  int anInt = 6;  // error; initialization not allowed
  int anotherInt;

 public; [sic]
  Second( void ){anInt = 6;}

  Second( int inInt3m int inInt4 ) : anInt( inInt3 ), anotherInt( inInt4 ) {}


etc.  Thus, I find it hard to extract meaningful information from the
programming examples.  If I finish the book, and change my mind about it,
I will post again.  The book does include more of the OOP buzz-words than
most C++ texts.

For reference, compare to:

"C++ Primer", Lippman, Addison-Wesley, 1989, ISBN 0-201-16487-6, 464 pgs

"The C++ Answer Book", Hansen, Addison-Wesley, 1990, ISBN 0-201-11497-6,
578 pgs, $26.95

[standard disclaimer]

broughtn@flamingo.metaphor.com (Justin Broughton) (03/03/90)

As someone new to C++ I was obviously not aware of the inaccuracies. The book 
does however have its merits. It seems to take a much better approach to 
teaching C++ starting from OO principles (No buzz words intended I am sure).

I also like its honesty with respect to the obvious faults of C++ e.g.

"The more general support for generics ... is not well supported in C++. The
type void * is assignment compatible with a pointer to any other type. This
feature coupled with some macros and a lot of effort can provide additional
generic support in C++. Parameterized types, where the type is specified
by a parameter, offer a better solution for generic support"


Justin Broughton, Metaphor a.k.a. broughtn@flamingo.metaphor.com
                                            "Mother Nature is dying. Wake up!"
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