[comp.lang.c++] Availability of cbrowse

sdm@cs.brown.edu (Scott Meyers) (03/03/90)

A number of people have written expressing interest in cbrowse, the C++
browser developed here at Brown University.  cbrowse is part of the FIELD
programming environment, which uses the tools of the Brown Workstation
Environment (BWE), which in turn runs on top of X11.  cbrowse, FIELD, and
BWE are all available as follows:

  FTP:   From wilma@cs.brown.edu (
         Login as anonymous or ftp
         Goto the pub directory
         Grab README,  bwe.tar.Z, and field.tar.Z

  Tape:  Request a software distribution form from kpk@cs.brown.edu or write
             Kathleen P. Krause
             Brown University, Box 1910
             Computer Science Department
             Providence, RI  02912

         There will be a charge for orders by tape.  The amount of the charge
         depends on what you order, but for BWE and FIELD it will amount to
         approximately $100 total.

If you acquire any of Brown's software, it is a good idea to write to
spr@cs.brown.edu and have yourself added to the mailing list.  That way
you'll be notified when updates and new software becomes available.

We would be interested in hearing about your experiences with cbrowse, or
any other part of FIELD or BWE.
