[comp.lang.c++] C++ streams for Microsoft Windows

tom@runxtsa.runx.oz.au (Thomas Antalffy) (03/06/90)

As all of you writing code for Microsoft Windows (MSW) are aware, MSW puts
severe limitations on the C library functions one can use. In particular 
C stream level I/O is discouraged. MS favours low level C I/O, or even better:
assembler routines.

We have a quite different approach to systems development, and prefer to use 
high level languages, C++ in particular on my current project. 

Now, the problem is that C++ streams are implemented using C streams, and we 
have a C++ library (NIH) that happens to use streams quite extensively. This 
quite simply means that our library does not compile for MSW.

Our solution to this is to write our own C++ stream classes, using low-level
(non-stream, non-buffered) C I/O. 

We have just started working on implementing this, and I was wondering whether 
any-one else has done something similar, or has some good ideas.

Thank you for any help,