[comp.lang.c++] C++ CONFERENCE

peter@usenix.UUCP (Peter H. Salus) (09/21/88)

Hotel rooms are going fast for the USENIX C++
Conference on October 17-20.  If you are planning to attend,
call the Denver Marriott City Center at 303-297-1300, 
tell them you are USENIX attendee, and book your room.
USENIX will not be responsible if you can't get space!

Conference pre-registration (at the bargain rate) 
end Sept. 28th!

This is a fair warning.  Tutorials are filling up.


ellie@usenix.ORG (Ellie Young) (03/07/90)

Marriott Hotel, San Francisco, CA
April 9-11, 1990

DEADLINE FOR ROOM RESERVATIONS IS 3/18/90, and it advised that
you make hotel arrangements now, because after that date it is
unlikely that the Marriott will have many available.

The second USENIX C++ Conference will be hald at the San Francisco
Marriott Hotel in San Francisco, CA, April 9-11, 1990. This conference
will offer an intensive 3-day program, consisting of full and
half-day tutorials on April 9th, followed by two days of
technical sessions covering a broad spectrium of work.  

Listed below are the tutorial and technical offerings. Birds of a
Feather sessions may also be scheduled.  

Please contact the USENIX Conference office for a brochure and complete
details on this conference soon.

                  USENIX Conference Office
                    22672 Lambert Street
                         Suite 613
                     El Toro, CA 92630
                        TEL 714-588-8649
			FAX 714-588-9706
                     EMAIL: judy@usenix.org



Tutorial:       An Introduction To C++
Instructor:     Robert Murray, AT&T Bell Laboratories
A survey of the main features  of  C++  (including  features
added  in  Version  2.0)  will be presented, along with some
short examples that show how  to  use  the  features  effec-
tively.   Most use of C++ falls into one of three flavors: a
better C; data abstraction;  and,  object-oriented  program-
ming.   We  will  examine  these  flavors, starting with the
features and paradigms that are closest to C, and  progress-
ing  to  the  more ambitious (and potentially more powerful)
features.  We'll also discuss the relationship between  ANSI
C, C++ Version 1.2, and C++ Version 2.0.

Tutorial:       Effective Use of C++
Instructor:     Andrew Koenig, AT&T Bell Laboratories
A review of the central concepts of C++, the ways  in  which
the  language  supports  those concepts, and a detailed tour
through  several  complete   programming   examples.    This
tutorial  will  emphasize  'how  to use it well' rather than
'what the features are'.  Attendees are presumed to be capa-
ble  of  looking  up  details  of syntax and semantics them-

Tutorial:       A Tour of Cfront: Cfront 2.0 Internals
Instructor:     Stanley Lippman, AT&T Bell Laboratories
This tutorial will survey selected internal data  structures
and algorithms used by Cfront for the implementation of such
C++ language features as multiple inheritance, virtual  base
classes,  virtual  functions,  and the static initialization
and deallocation of objects.  We'll try to make sense of the
generated  intermediate C code in light of these structures.
Examples of both effective  and  ineffective  coding  styles
will be discussed.


Tutorial:       Using C++ on the Macintosh
Instructors:    Bill Gibbons, Consultant & Ken Friedenbach
                Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
Macintosh Programmer's Workshop (MPW) C++ is  an  adaptation
of  the  AT&T  C++  Language Translation System version 2.0.
This tutorial will provide information regarding the MPW C++
language, as well as information about libraries, debuggers,
browsers, and other software development  support  tools  on
the Macintosh.  Topics include: overview of MPW C++ language
features, support for the Macintosh  toolbox  and  operating
system, support for the Macintosh memory model, and language
support for MacApp, the  extensible  Macintosh  Application.
The  tutorial  will explain the development of sample Macin-
tosh applications and MPW tools  using  C++.   The  tutorial
will  cover  useful programming techniques and common errors
to avoid.

Tutorial:       Using C++ with MacApp
Instructor:     Ken Friedenbach, Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
MacApp is an extensible Macintosh Application which  simpli-
fies the task of writing a fully functional Macintosh appli-
cation.  Macintosh Programmer's Workshop (MPW) C++  includes
features  to  support  using  C++ to develop MacApp applica-
tions.  This tutorial will provide information  about  using
MPW  C++ with MacApp to implement fully functional Macintosh
applications.  Topics  include:  C++  language  support  for
MacApp  and Object Pascal, overview of the MacApp libraries,
supporting multiple documents and windows, using  the  clip-
board  to  support  cut and paste, printing, and reading and
writing document data.  The  tutorial  will  include  sample
application code, guidelines for creating building blocks to
be shared between applications, and advice for mixing MacApp
classes with multiple inheritance classes.

TECHNICAL PROGRAM- April 10 - 11, 1990

T U E S D A Y,   A P R I L  10

9:00 - 10:00    Welcome                  Jim Waldo (Program Chairman),  
					 Hewlett Packard

                Keynote Address                  Adele Goldberg, 
						 ParcPlace Systems

10:30 - 12:00   METHODOLOGIES                   Chair:  Martin O'Riordon, Microsoft

                 Experiences  with  Object-Oriented  Software Development
	                 Nicholas Wybolt, Cadre Technologies, Inc.

                Climbing the C++  Learning  Tree
                	 P. R. Jossman, E. N. Schiebel, J. C. Shank,
			 AT&T Bell Laboratories

                Design  Criteria for  C++  Libraries
                  	Dr. James M. Coggins, Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

2:00 -  3:30   FRAMEWORKS                      Chair: Geoff Wyant, Hewlett Packard

                Reliable Distributed Programming in C++: The Arjuna Approach
			Graham D. Parrington, University of Newcastle upon Tyne

                Designing  Portable  Application  Frameworks for C++     
			Fergal Dearle, Glockenspiel

                FOG/C++:  A  Fragmented   Object   Generator
                   	Yvon  Gourhant, Marc  Shapiro, Institut National 
			de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique

4:00 -  5:30    APPLICATIONS  I                  Chair:  Dr.  James Coggins, 
							 Univ. of NC

                Object-Oriented Redesign Using C++:  Experience with Parser
			Judith E. Grass, Chandra Kintala, Ravi Sethi, AT&T Bell Laboratories

                GPERF: A  Perfect  Hash  Function  Generator
                  	Douglas C. Schmidt, University of California, Irvine

                C++ and  Operating  Systems  Performance:  A Case Study     
	               Vincent  F.  Russo,  Peter W. Madany, Roy H. Campbell,
 			Univ. of Illinois Urbana - Champaign 

8:00 - 10:00 p.m.

    		Adding New Code to a Running C++ Program
    			Sean M. Dorward, Ravi Sethi, Jonathan E. Shopiro, AT&T Bell Laboratories

   		 RIPE: An Object Oriented Robot Independent Programming Environment
    			David J. Miller and R. Charleene Lennox, Sandia National Laboratories

    		SIC--A System for Stochastic Simulation in C++
  			  Bernd Kluth, Institute for Teleprocessing, Aachen University of Technology

		A Type Brameterization Language for C++
    			 Richard Blinne, NCR Microelectronic Products Division
W E D N E S D A Y,  A P R I L  11

9:00  -  10:00    INVITED   PAPER           Chair: Andrew Koenig, AT&T Bell Laboratories

                Exception Handling for C++
			 Bjarne Stroustrup, AT&T Bell Laboratories

10:00 - 10:30   BREAK

10:30 - 11:00   APPLICATIONS II         Chair: Roy Campbell, Univ. of IL,
					 Urbana - Champaign

                Experiences in Writing a Distributed  Particle Simulation Code
		in  C++ 
	            	David  W. Forslund, Charles Wingate,
			Peter Ford, J. Stephen Junkins, Jeffrey Jackson, 
			Los  Alamos  National Laboratory

                The Conduit: A Communication Abstraction  in C++       
		     	Jonathan  M. Zweig, Ralph E. Johnson,
			University of Illinois at Urbana  -  Champaign

                Writing a Gateway  in  C++
			Preben Fisker Jensen, Peter Juhl, Jutland Telephone Co.

2:00 -   3:30   EXTENSIONS              Chair:  Peter  Canning, Hewlett Packard

                An Exception Handling Implementation for C++
                 	Michael D. Tiemann

                Runtime Access to Type  Information  in  C++
                  	John  A. Interrante, Mark A. Linton, Stanford University

                Extended   C++     
	                   Robert Seliger, Hewlett Packard Clinical Information Systems

4:00 -  5:30    ENVIRONMENTS     	Chair:  Jim Waldo, Hewlett Packard

                The C++ Information Abstractor
                 	 Judith  E. Grass, Yih-Farn Chen, AT&T Bell Laboratories

                Utilizing Dependency Information in an Incremental 
		Compilation Environment for C++
                	 Alan Sloane, ParcPlace Systems

                FIELD  Support  for   C++
			Steven P. Reiss, Scott Meyers, Brown University