[comp.lang.c++] C++ Amiga Programmers ?

markv@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu (03/08/90)

Is anyone else out there using C++ on the Amiga?  I am working
(slowly) on a set of (hopefully) reasonably abstract medium/high level
classes dealing with the various GUI features such as Windows, Menus,
Dialogs(Requestors), etc.

I ask for several reasons.  1--Is anyone else out there considering
such a thing or doing it so that either I don't do something that's
already done, or working togather.  2--Is there any kind of standard
(official, de-facto, or otherwise) for some set of at least reasonably
machine/implementation independant set of GUI/Graphics primitives?

Obviously this is being done with Lattice C++ 1.0 (C++ 1.2) and
Lattice C 5.05.  Finally does anyone know of Lattice's plans for a 2.0
product or native compiler (or at least working debugger support) ?

For now,

Mark Gooderum			Only...		\    Good Cheer !!!
Academic Computing Services	       ///	  \___________________________
University of Kansas		     ///  /|         __    _
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Internet: markv@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu