[comp.lang.c++] c++ yacc

pcb@gator.cacs.usl.edu (Peter C. Bahrs) (03/11/90)

To Jim Roskind, (couldn't find correct email address)
The grammer looks great but on our SUN I invoked yacc -d cpluspls.y
and received a too many symbols error.  Any ideas? 

/*----------- Thanks in advance... --------------------------------------+
| Peter C. Bahrs                                                         |
| The USL-NASA Project                                                   |
| Center For Advanced Computer Studies      INET: pcb@gator.cacs.usl.edu |
| 2 Rex Street                                                           |
| University of Southwestern Louisiana      ...!uunet!dalsqnt!gator!pcb  | 
| Lafayette, LA 70504                                                    |

beard@ux1.lbl.gov (Patrick C Beard) (03/12/90)

In article <5118@rouge.usl.edu> pcb@gator.cacs.usl.edu (Peter C. Bahrs) writes:
#To Jim Roskind, (couldn't find correct email address)
#The grammer looks great but on our SUN I invoked yacc -d cpluspls.y
#and received a too many symbols error.  Any ideas? 

When I use the grammar, yacc tells me:

fatal error: too many states, line 1668

Ditto on the question.

-  Patrick Beard, Macintosh Programmer                        (beard@lbl.gov) -
-  Berkeley Systems, Inc.  ".......<dead air>.......Good day!" - Paul Harvey  -

pcb@gator.cacs.usl.edu (Peter C. Bahrs) (03/12/90)

I was told to get bison from prep.ai.mit.edu to use with
c++-grammar.1.0.tar.Z.  They seem to run together.  Bison (bigger than
a yacc :)  ) works great for all of my existing yacc stuff.  
The c++-gra... didn't come with a c++.lex, so I used the c++.lex that
I have...with few modifications everything seems ok except...
What should I do with the TYPEDEFname token?  Do I have to add nesting checks
into c++.lex?  Has anyone done this and is it pd?

/*----------- Thanks in advance... --------------------------------------+
| Peter C. Bahrs                                                         |
| The USL-NASA Project                                                   |
| Center For Advanced Computer Studies      INET: pcb@gator.cacs.usl.edu |
| 2 Rex Street                                                           |
| University of Southwestern Louisiana      ...!uunet!dalsqnt!gator!pcb  | 
| Lafayette, LA 70504                                                    |