[comp.lang.c++] THE best C++ book: a summary

jamin@nunki.usc.edu (Sugih Jamin) (03/10/90)

I got quite a few replies on which is the best C++ book.
For once, the net unanimously recommends:

	Lippman, _C++ Primer_, Addison Wesley, 1989.

For those using Stroustrup's, Hansen's _C Answer Book_ was 
recommended as a good workbook companion by two people.

Thanks to all who replied.


mikem@otc.otca.oz (Mike Mowbray) (03/19/90)

In article <8546@chaph.usc.edu>, jamin@nunki.usc.edu (Sugih Jamin) says:

 > For those using Stroustrup's, Hansen's _C Answer Book_ was recommended
 > as a good workbook companion by two people.

I think the list examples given in Hansen are dangerous. They don't seem to
handle destructors for derived list objects correctly. The doubly-linked
example also doesn't seem to delete the list items if the list is deleted.

		Mike Mowbray	    ACSnet: mikem@otc.oz
		Network R&D	    UUCP:   {uunet,mcvax}!otc.oz!mikem
		|||| OTC ||	    Phone:  (02) 287-4104
				    Snail:  GPO Box 7000, Sydney, Australia