[comp.lang.c++] Zortech C++ 2.0 and MS Windows programming

nxh@mead.UUCP (Nobuya Higashiyama) (03/16/90)

I understand that Zortech C++ 2.0 is MS Windows compatible (i.e. it can be used
to write Windows-specific programs).  I'd like to know if anyone is actually 
using it for that purpose; if so, I would appreciate answers to the following

1.  Are there any glitches I should be aware of? 

2.  Are there things that can be done with MSC 5.1 but not with Zortech? 

3.  Will Zortech's debugger work well in Windows environment?

4.  Do I need to buy the developer's edition for Windows programming, or can
    I get away with buying just the basic compiler?  (I'm broke :-()

Please email all replies to the net address below (please don't use the [Rr]
facility!), and I'll summarize.  Thanks in advance!

						Nobuya "Higgy" Higashiyama
Nobuya "Higgy" Higashiyama                UUCP:  ...!uccba!mead!nxh
Data Integrity Systems                Internet:  mead!nxh@uccba.uc.edu
Mead Data Central                       USnail:  PO Box 933
Dayton, OH                                       Dayton, OH 45401

bright@Data-IO.COM (Walter Bright) (03/20/90)

In article <659@mead.UUCP> nxh@mead.UUCP (Nobuya Higashiyama) writes:
<I understand that Zortech C++ 2.0 is MS Windows compatible
<1.  Are there any glitches I should be aware of? 
Windows.h imposes a heavy memory burden on ZTC++. If you look at windows.h,
you'll see that there're some macros that will 'hide' a lot of stuff in
it, cutting down the memory requirements. You'll also need to correct
a couple errors in windows.h (some function pointers are not prototyped

<2.  Are there things that can be done with MSC 5.1 but not with Zortech? 
ZTC does not currently support the _loadds and _export keywords. ZTC does
not accept non-ANSI prototypes, as in:
	int func(char c);
	int func(c)
	char c;
is a syntax error in ZTC and ANSIC. MSC5.1 lets this stuff slide. Does
anyone know what MSC6 does with this (Microsoft won't send me betas
anymore!). Some Windows SDK sample code has erroneous code like that in it.
ZTC accepts K&R style code without prototypes. But if you use prototypes,
they must conform to ANSI C.

<3.  Will Zortech's debugger work well in Windows environment?
No. You'll need to use CVW.

<4.  Do I need to buy the developer's edition for Windows programming, or can
<    I get away with buying just the basic compiler?  (I'm broke :-()
The basic compiler will do fine. But you will need to purchase the Windows SDK.