[net.sf-lovers] Harper's

colbert (12/16/82)

Reading Harpers is as close to dead as you can get and still breath.

Charles Colbert

macrev (12/16/82)

Three years ago I submitted a story (SF) to Harper's.  I fully
expected a rejection slip, and sure enough I got one.  What made
this one different from most others was the handwritten note on
it:  "This is not at all the sort of thing we publish.  Have you
tried the `little' magazines?"  The rejection didn't bother me -- the
note did.  It smelled of a disease called intellectual elitism.
Their recent condemnation of science fiction probably means that
the disease is in its terminal stage -- any magazine that would
publish such baseless hysteria (and thereby endorse it) has
apparently lost its grip on editorial sanity.

Mike Lynch