[comp.lang.c++] Object Oriented Languages for the NeXT

moffet@melpar.UUCP (Dave Moffet) (03/17/90)

I am currently searching for an object oriented alternative to Objective C for 
the NeXT.  We are going to attemp to write an application that will be portable
to different machines such Suns, IBMs, Silcon Graphics, etc.  Does anyone know a language developed or being developed that will suit this type os situation.

			David Moffett uunet!melpar!moffet

lgm@cbnewsc.ATT.COM (lawrence.g.mayka) (03/18/90)

[ I have added  comp.lang.lisp  to the newsgroup list. ]

In article <117@melpar.UUCP> moffet@melpar.UUCP (Dave Moffet) writes:
>I am currently searching for an object oriented alternative to Objective C for 
>the NeXT.  We are going to attemp to write an application that will be portable
>to different machines such Suns, IBMs, Silcon Graphics, etc.  Does anyone know a language developed or being developed that will suit this type os situation.

I believe that Allegro Common Lisp comes standard on the NeXT
machine, presumably including both (Old) Flavors and the new
standard Common Lisp Object System (CLOS).  Other Common Lisp
implementations are no doubt available for the NeXT also - major
platforms typically offer several to choose from.  You may want to
get a software maintenance contract, though, to ensure receiving
the performance enhancements most Common Lisp vendors will deliver
in the coming months.

	Lawrence G. Mayka
	AT&T Bell Laboratories

Standard disclaimer.

jeff@aiai.ed.ac.uk (Jeff Dalton) (03/20/90)

In article <14474@cbnewsc.ATT.COM> lgm@cbnewsc.ATT.COM (lawrence.g.mayka,ihp,) writes:
>I believe that Allegro Common Lisp comes standard on the NeXT
>machine, presumably including both (Old) Flavors and the new
>standard Common Lisp Object System (CLOS).

Does "Allegro" mean the Coral one or the Franz Inc. one?
I find that whenever I say "Allegro" to refer to one of
them some people assume I meant the other one.

-- Jeff

gza@mentor.cc.purdue.edu (William R Burdick) (03/20/90)

Dave Moffet,

I couldn't mail to you, so I'm posting this:

I'm writing a portable Smalltalk-compatable language right now.  It's
a semester project, so I can promise it'll be done before the
semester, but no earlier than that.  This language is dependant on the
GNU C-compiler (GCC), because it uses some of its extensions to ANSI
C, but eventually, I'll remove those dependencies.  It'll also be
free.  If you want more info on it, mail to me...

	-- Bill Burdick
	-- Bill Burdick

noren@dinl.uucp (Charles Noren) (03/20/90)

In article <117@melpar.UUCP> moffet@melpar.UUCP (Dave Moffet) writes:
 >I am currently searching for an object oriented alternative to Objective C for 
 >the NeXT.  We are going to attemp to write an application that will be portable
 >to different machines such Suns, IBMs, Silcon Graphics, etc.  
 >Does anyone know a language developed or being developed that will suit 
 >this type os situation.

Don't forget that Objective C is available for many machines
(Suns, IBMs, etc), and that it has some common class libraries
across these machines (which includes graphics support).
You can contact Stepstone for a list of machines at (203)426-1875.
Chuck Noren
NET:     ncar!dinl!noren
US-MAIL: Martin Marietta I&CS, MS XL8058, P.O. Box 1260,
         Denver, CO 80201-1260
Phone:   (303) 971-7930

raymond@ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov (Eric A. Raymond) (03/20/90)

jeff@aiai.ed.ac.uk (Jeff Dalton) writes:
>Does "Allegro" mean the Coral one or the Franz Inc. one?

Coral (now Apple) Allegro runs only under MacOS.
Franz Allegro runs on UN*X. (This includes A/UX unless you escape to
the MacOS backdoor.)

Unfortunately the languages are not exactly the same ....
Eric A. Raymond  (raymond@ptolemy.arc.nasa.gov)
G7 C7 G7 G#7 G7 G+13 C7 GM7 Am7 Bm7 Bd7 Am7 C7 Do13 G7 C7 G7 D+13: Elmore James

lgm@cbnewsc.ATT.COM (lawrence.g.mayka) (03/20/90)

In article <2074@skye.ed.ac.uk> jeff@aiai.UUCP (Jeff Dalton) writes:
>In article <14474@cbnewsc.ATT.COM> lgm@cbnewsc.ATT.COM (lawrence.g.mayka,ihp,) writes:
>>I believe that Allegro Common Lisp comes standard on the NeXT
>>machine, presumably including both (Old) Flavors and the new
>>standard Common Lisp Object System (CLOS).
>Does "Allegro" mean the Coral one or the Franz Inc. one?

Coral Software only sold Common Lisp for the Macintosh, I
believe.  In fact, Coral was absorbed by Apple Computer last
year.  Its product may even have been renamed Apple Common Lisp, I

	Lawrence G. Mayka
	AT&T Bell Laboratories

Standard disclaimer.